
Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Washington and the Province of British Columbia on Pacific Coast Collaboration to Protect our Shared Climate and Ocean

The State of Washington and the Province of British Columbia

Published: June 2007

Keywords: Memorandum, Washington, Britich COlumbia, BC, climate, ocean, collaboration, Oceans Governance



Sharing a common border and a longstanding relationship of friendship and trust;

Acting on our Memorandum of Cooperation of 2005 to enter into specific cooperative arrangements on matters of common interest;

Committed to leading the world in sustainable environmental management;

Agreed that the science is clear, global warming is real, and the more timid the
response, the harsher the consequences will be;

Resolved to see decisive and immediate action taken to address greenhouse gas
emissions that are impacting the climate and the environment of Pacific coastal
jurisdictions, and the world;

Recognizing that greenhouse gas emissions, and specifi cally excess CO2, is also
acidifying the ocean and signifi cantly threatening and altering habitats and wildlife;

Committed to collaboration with other North American governments to maximize the impact of our joint actions on climate change, and protect and maintain the health and productivity of our oceans;

Agreed that the full engagement of our governments on climate change with citizens,leaders from business, communities, tribes, First Nations, environmental advocates, the academic and scientific community, and federal and local governments is crucial to fostering a new personal conservation ethic and to ultimate success;

Sharing a common vision of Pacific North America as the center of innovation and
sustainable living in the Pacific Century;

Disciplines: Environment, Governance

Publication: BC-WA-Climate-and-Oceans-Agreement.pdf