
Chilly Communities in Atlantic Canada: While Formal Supports for Immigrants are Plentiful, Community Exclusion Remains

to appear in BIG Policy Briefs

Edwin Hodge

Published: July 2019

Keywords: BIG, Policy Brief, Migration


"Chilly Communities in Atlantic Canada: While Formal Supports for Immigrants are Plentiful, Community Inclusion Remains" 

BIG Policy Brief Vol. 1 No. 6 - July 2019

The challenges faced by immigrant populations do not end upon arrival to Canada. The hurdles present during the application and resettlement process are replaced by newer hurdles - integration, community buidling, and establishing a sense of membership in their new society and their new commuity. In some cases, immigrants receive help in meeting these challenges in the form of municiple, provincial and territorial, and federal programs aimed at helping newcomers to settle. 

Yet despite these supports, community integration remains elusive, as non-immigrant residents can remain ambivalent about the presence of immigrants in what they see as their communities. 

BIG monthly briefings are short, and written in an accessible way in order to enable non-experts and border scholars alike to gain insight into the work that the Borders in Globalization project has done over the past few years. Each of the monthly briefings will be posted on their website as they are released to partners, stakeholders, and other interested groups. 

