
IDEAFEST POSTER March 5th, 2013: "Religion, Rights and Political Upheaval"


Published: September 2013

Keywords: Pussy Riot, Northern Ireland, Qur'an, religion, liberal societies, UVic, IdeaFest, rights, politics, Avigail Eisenberg, Department of Women's Studies, Canada, Oliver Schmidtke, Centre for Global Studies, European Union, Megan Swift, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, Russia, Sikata Banerjee, Department of Women’s Studies, India, Andrew Wender, Departments of History & Political Science, Israel, Civil Society


The jailing of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot, the resurgence of religious protests in Northern Ireland, and demonstrations sparked by an American pastor's burning of the Qur'an remind us of the tensions that exist between religion and liberal societies. A panel of UVic Scholars will examine current global contexts in which religion, rights and politics create often explosive controversies

Disciplines: Governance, Security and Conflict

Publication: FINAL-CFGS-CSRS_IdeaFest-poster.pdf