
IDEAFEST POSTER March 11th, 2013: Critical issues in BC's Watersheds: Industry, Indigenous Governance & Legal Entitlements

Jesse Baltutis

Published: February 2013

Keywords: climate change, hydrology, water, natural gas, fracking, indigenous governance, collaborative water governance, water entitlements, social innovation, Centre for Global Studies, Environmental Studies, Geography, Law, POLIS, Water, Climate Sciences, Climate Adaptation Strategies, Civil Society, Canada-US Relations


Focused through the lens of our changing climate - and changing hydrology - this event will explore three priority water challenges facing Canadians today: natural gas development and tracking; indigenous governance and collaborative water governance; and water entitlements. It will also include an exploration of social innovation and water governance reform as options for addressing these issues. Presentations will draw on current research from a diversity of UVic departments and centres (Centre for Global Studies, Environmental Studies, Geography, Law). An RSVP is mandatory; please email water@polisproject.org.

Disciplines: Environment, Governance, Science and Technology

Publication: CFGS_POLIS_Critical-issues-in-B-C--s-Watersheds_final.pdf