
The Carpathian Euroregion: A Case Study in Cross-Border Governance

to appear in BIG Policy Briefs

Edwin Hodge

Published: October 2019

Keywords: BIG, Policy Brief, Cross-Border Governance


"The Carpathian Euroregion: A Case Study in Cross-Border Governance"

BIG Policy Brief, Vol. 1 No. 9, October 2019

In many cases, to discuss borders is to describe patterns of governance. What do borders look like? How do people cross them? What criteria are used to exclude those who wish to cross? Who is responsible for the costs of borders? There is no 'one size fits all' policy to border management; international agreements made to standardize border policies nearly always include caveats and region-specific provisions. 

In this field of research, case studies are often required to gain an appreciation for how bodering policies operate. One such study emerges from research conducted through the Borders in Globalization Program and detailed an example of cross-border governance on the edges of Europe: the Carpathian Euroregion. Composed of several states along the eastern edge of th European Union from Poland to Ukraine, the Carpathian Euroregion emerged from the political tumult of the post-Soviet era of hte 1990s. 

BIG monthly briefings are short, and written in an accessible way in order to enable non-experts and border scholars alike to gain insight into the work that the Borders in Globalization project has done over the past few years. Each of the monthly briefings will be posted on their website as they are released to partners, stakeholders, and other interested groups. 

