
Dr. Patrick von Aderkas

Dr. Patrick von Aderkas
Acting Director and Professor
Centre for Forest Biology, Biology

BSc (Guelph), PhD (Manchester)

Area of expertise

Gymnosperm reproduction


  • Gymnosperm reproduction

Reproduction in gymnosperms begins with interaction of pollen with ovules. After being delivered by insect or, more commonly by wind, pollen comes into contact with ovules. A pollination drop is secreted. The drop withdraws into the interior of the ovule, carrying the pollen with it. Some drops are quite sugary: these behave as nectar. Others in wind-pollinated systems are much less sugary and merely transport pollen. Regardless of pollination syndrome, drops eliminate fungi and bacteria that are also poised to enter these ovules that, characteristic of gymnosperms, are open to the outside. We have used proteomics, HPLC and other methods. We have begun to unpick the evolutionary history of the composition of these fluids. Most recently, we have also begun working on cycads, in particular the fertilization fluids in which their giant sperm swim.

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Research group

Emma Creasy (Undergrad), Alistair Knox (Undergrad), Madeleine Guimond (Undergrad)


YearJournal titleTitleAuthors
2024Biochemistry and Cell BiologyAusio J., Knox A., Kim B-Y., Humphrey E., Gowen B., Minamino N., and von Aderkas P.
2023Tree Seed Working Group News BulletinKong L., von Aderkas P., Leblanc J., and Le C.H.
2022Plant ScienceParra Aura L.C., Freitas Cleverson D.T., Souza Pedro F.N., von Aderkas Patrick, Borchers Christoph H., Beattie Gwyn A., Silva Fredy D.A., Thornburg Robert W.
2022Botanical Reviewvon Aderkas P., Little S., Nepi M., Guarnieri M., Antony M., Takaso T.
2021TreesKong L., Jaquish B., Zaharia I., von Aderkas P.
2019Journal of ProteomicsSilva FA, Guirgas A, von Aderkas P, Borchers CH, Thornburg R
2018Frontiers in Plant Sciencevon Aderkas P, Prior N, Little SA
2018Plant ReproductionPrior N, Little SA, Boyes I, Griffith P, Husby C, Pirone-Davies C, Stevenson DW, Tomlinson PB, von Aderkas P
2018Frontiers in Plant ScienceChatt EC, von Aderkas P, Carter CJ, Smith D, Elliott M, Nikolau B
2018TreesKong L, von Aderkas P, Zaharia I
2019Botanyde la Bastide PY, LeBlanc J, Kong L, Finston T, May EM, Reich R, Hintz WE, von Aderkas P
2017Agricultural and Forest MeteorologyLew A, P von Aderkas, A Berland, CL Curry, T Lacourse, B Tencer, and A Weaver
2017Annals of BotanyNepi M, S Little, M Guarnieri, D Nocentini, N Prior, J Gill, PB Tomlinson, SM Ickert-Bond, C Pirone, E Pacini, P von Aderkas
2016Annals of BotanyPirone-Davies C, N Prior, P von Aderkas, D Smith, D Hardie, WE Friedman, S Mathews
2016Insect Molecular BiologyPaulson AR, P von Aderkas, SJ Perlman
2016Plant ReproductionLittle SA, Boyes IG, Donaleshen K, von Aderkas P, Ehlting, J
2015Annals of Botanyvon Aderkas P, C Teyssier, JP Charpentier, M Gutmann, L P芒ques, C Le Mett茅, K Ader, P Label, L Kong, MA Lelu-Walter
2015PLOS ONEBoivin T, C Gidoin, P von Aderkas, J Safrana, J-N Candau, A Chalon, M Sondo, M El Ma芒taoui
2015Journal of Plant Growth RegulationKong L, P von Aderkas, LI Zaharia
2014The Botanical Reviewvon Aderkas P, NA Prior, S Jesse, S Little, T Cross, D Hardie, C Borchers, R Thornburg, C Hou, A Lunny
2014BMC MicrobiologyPaulson AR, P von Aderkas, SJ Perlman
2013Ecology of Food and NutritionDilbone M, NJ Turner, P von Aderkas
2013Applications in Plant SciencesPrior N, SA Little, C Pirone, JE Gill, D Smith, J Han, D Hardie, SJ O'Leary, RE Wagner, T Cross, A Coulter, C Borchers, RW Olafson, P von Aderkas