
Associate Members

Dr. J. Antos, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
Adjunct Professor - Department of Biology, 番茄社区. 
Research interests: Plant ecology in general: specifically, the dynamics of subalpine forest stands; effects of disturbance; succession; clonal growth and belowground morphology of forest herbs; and plant reproductive ecology.

Dr. Jon Degner, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
UVic Affiliate
Research Scientist - BC Ministry of Forests
Research interests: Tree breeding, climate adaptation, Pseudotsuga, Picea

Dr. John King, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
UVic Affiliate
Research Scientist - BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development, retired
Research interests: Conifer defence responses, tree breeding.

Dr. David Noshad, Associate Member - Cente for Forest Biology
UVic Affiliate
Research Scientist - BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Research interests: Plant and forest pathology.

Dr. Greg Owens, Associate Member - Cente for Forest Biology
UVic Faculty
Assistant Professor - Department of Biology, 番茄社区
Research interests: Genomics, Adaptation, Evolution, Vaccinium.

Dr. Michael Stoehr, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
UVic Affiliate
Research Scientist - BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development, retired
Research interests: Conifer breeding and genetics.

Dr. Joey Tanney, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
UVic Affiliate
Research Scientist - Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada
Research Interests: Mycology, phytosanitary issues, plant pathology, taxonomy.

Dr. J.A. Trofymow, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
Adjunct Assistant Professor - Department of Biology, 番茄社区.
Research Scientist - Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada
Research interests: Soil biota in detrital carbon fluxes and decomposition processes

Dr. Marie Vance, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
UVic Affiliate
Research Scientist - Kalamalka Forestry Centre (Forest Improvement and Research Management Branch; BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development)
Research interests: reforestation genetics, specifically focused on ponderosa pine and interior western redcedar

Dr. Alvin Yanchuk, Associate Member - Centre for Forest Biology
Adjunct Associate Professor - Department of Biology, 番茄社区. 
Research Leader, Forest Genetics, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.  Research interests: Pest and disease resistance, tolerances of selected plant material to climatic stresses


*Contact information available upon request to forestbiology@uvic.ca