
Fellow Publications

Meeting of the CSRS religion and securitization group.
Meeting of the CSRS religion and securitization group.

CSRS fellows are active on before, during and after their fellowships. Please click here for more comprehensive list for fellows' publications.

*Fellows wishing to have their publications listed on the CSRS website are encouraged to contact .


Andersen, Angela. 2020. ‘“He who is the wondrous green dome is ‘Ali: ”The Relationship Between Narratives of the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension and the Communal Religious Architecture of The Alevis.” Saintly Spheres and Islamic Landscapes, edited by Daphna Ephrat, Sara Ethel Wolper, and Paulo G. Pinto, 301-334. Leiden: Brill.

Andersen, Angela. 2019. “One House of Worship With Many Roofs: The Attempted Imposition of Architecture to Mediate Mainstream Sunni, Alevi and Gülenist Islam in Turkey,” International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 8:2, Special Issue: Boundaries, Flows, and the Construction of Muslim Selves through Architecture 283-305.

Brown, Rachel. “Cooking up Research: Positionality and the Knowledge Production of Islam(s).” In Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On Knowledge Production, Positionality and Politics, edited by Amélie Barras, Jennifer Selby and Melanie Adrian. (Forthcoming with UofT Press, 2021).

Brown, Rachel. 2019. “Muslim Integration and French Society.” Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.798.

Coward, Harold. 2019. Word, Chant, and Song: Spiritual Transformation in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Sikhism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 183.

Coward, Harold, and Elizabeth Causton. 2017. “A ‘Good Death’ in Hospice Palliative Care” in Routledge Companion to Death and Dying, edited by C. M Moreman, NY: Routledge, 442-454.

Desjardins, Michel. 2021. “Religious Food Guidance,” in Critical Food Guidance, edited by Jennifer Sumner and Ellen Desjardins. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021 (forthcoming).

Desjardins, Michel. 2020. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life, review of Parker J. Palmer, in Religious Studies Review 46 (1): 77.

Dyck, Denae. 2020. “From Denunciation to Dialogue: Redefining Prophetic Authority in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘A Curse for a Nation.’” Victorian Review 46 (1): 67-82. ​​doi: 10.1353/vcr.2020.0011. ​

Froese, Brian. 2019. “We also still have ethnic hang-ups’: Church Growth and Identity among the Mennonite Brethren in Post-1960s British Columbia,” Journal of Mennonite Studies, 37: 245-266.

Gangodawila, Chandima. 2020. Papañca to Nippapañca: Mental Proliferation to Non-Mental Proliferation, Chandima Gangodawila (in English), Sukhi Hotu Publications,

Sadeghi-Yekta, K., Aysal, L., Gupa, D. 2020. Voices from Within Us: A Trialogue about Climate Change, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, and  Activism. Theatre Pedagogy in the Era of Climate Change. Book Series, Research and Teaching in Environmental Studies, Routledge Taylor &  Francis Group. Edited by Alexandrowicz, C., Fancy, D.


Herriot, L., and Callaghan, T. 2019. “Possibilities for trans affirming policy potential: A case study from a Canadian Catholic school.” Journal of Catholic Education, 22(3), 58-84.

Heyward, Nicola. 2018. “Early Christian Funerary Ritual,” in Early Christian Ritual Life. edited by Steven Muir, Richard DeMaris and Jason Lamoreaux. London: Routledge.

Hori, Victor. 2020. “Buddhism and the Secular Concept of Religion.” Buddhism in the Global Eye: Beyond East and West. edited by John S. Harding, Victor Sōgen Hori, Alexander Soucy. Bloomsbury Academic. 11-25.  

Horton, Chelsea and Sarah Nickel. 2020.  Assembling Unity: Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019) in The Ormsby Review, .

Evanthia Baboula and Lesley Jessop, eds. 2021. Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds. Essays in Honour of Erica Cruikshank Dodd, Leiden: Brill.

Levin, Dvora. 2018. SHARED MOTION: Science and Spirituality, Poems by Dvora Levin, published by Ekstasis Editions.

McDonough, G.P.  2019. “Pluralizing Catholic identity. “ Religious Education 114 (2): 168-180.  DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2018.1560744.

Reddekop, Jarrad and Tod Swanson. 2017. “Looking Like the Land: Beauty and Aesthetics in Amazonian Quichua Philosophy and Practice.” In Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 85 (3): 682-708. DOI: 10.1093/jaarel/lfw086

Thombs, Paige. 2019. “ Photographs and Memories: The (In)tractable Reality of the Still Image” in Narratives of Memory, Migtation, and Xenophobia in the EU and Canada. Edited by Helga Thorson and Helga Hallgrinsdóttir.

Wei, Mo. 2020.” The In-Betweeness of Sino-Western Communication: the Chinese Translations of Western Religious Vocabulary and the Chinese International Teaching Practices——From the Case Study on the Westminster Abbey,( 中西“之間”: 西方宗教文化詞匯的漢譯與漢語國際教育——Westminster Abbey漢譯引發的思考)”,Confuci Acadèmic Journal(《學術孔院》), 2020 (1):  105-116. eISSN 2696-1229 / ISSN 2696-4937.

Whitney-Brown, Carolyn. 2019. Sharing Life: Stories of L’Arche Founders. Mahweh, NJ: Paulist Press.

Wilkinson, Michael and Linda Ambrose. 2020. After the Revival: Pentecostalism and the Making of a Canadian Church, McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Young, Katherine. 2020. Turbulent Transformations: Non-Brahmin Śrīvaiṣṇavas on Religion, Caste and Politics in Tamil Nadu, Hyderabad, India: Orient Blackswan. 

  • Coward, Harold. 2014. Fifty Years of Religious Studies in Canada: A Personal Retrospective. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. (Founding Director)

  • Grey, Sam and Raj Patel. 2014. "Food Sovereignty as Decolonization: Some Contributions from Indigenous Movements to Food System and Development Politics." Agriculture & Human Values 32 (1). (Sam Grey, IHS Graduate Fellow)

  • Jones, Tamsin. 2014. Traumatized Subjects: Continental Philosophy of Religion and the Ethics of Alterity. In The Journal of Religion 94 (2): 143-60. (Visiting Research Fellow)

  • Jung, Dietrich, Marie Juul Petersen, and Sara Lei Sparre. 2014. Politics of Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Islam, Youth, and Social Activism in the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan. (Visiting Research Fellow)

  • McDonough, G. P. 2014. Faithful disagreement: An opportunity for rediscovery in Catholic Education. The Waterloo Catholic District School Board Lecture, presented within the Lectures in Catholic Experience Series, St. Jerome’s University, Waterloo, ON. (Associate Fellow)

  • Reimer, Sam, and Michael Wilkinson. 2015. A Culture of Faith: Evangelical Congregations in Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press. (Sam Reimer, Visiting Research Fellow)

  • Sian, Katy, ed. 2014. Conversations in Postcolonial Thought. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Visiting Research Fellow)

  • Batten, Alan. 2011. Our Enigmatic Universe: One Astronomer's Reflections on the Human Condition. Cambridgeshire, UK: Melrose Books. (Associate Fellow)

  • Brunk, Conrad G. and Sarah Hartley eds. 2012 Designer Animals: Mapping the Issues in Animal Biotechnology. University of Toronto Press, 2012. (Conrad Brunk, Former Director)

  • Douglas, Christopher. 2011. "Christian Multiculturalism and Unlearned History in Marilynne Robinson's Gilead." Novel 44: 3 (Fall): 333-353. (Faculty Fellow)

  • Jones, Tamsin. 2011. A Genealogy of Marion’s Philosophy of Religion: Apparent Darkness. Indiana University Press. (Religious Studies Teaching Fellow)

  • MacDonald, Bob. 2013. Seeing the Psalter: Patterns of Recurrence in the Poetry of the Psalms. Florida: Energion Publications. (Community Sabbatical Fellow)

  • McDonough, G. P. 2013. "An Argument for Dissent in Catholic Education". The Ecumenist: A Journal of Theology, Culture, and Society 50 (3): 1-5. (Associate Fellow)

  • McDonough, Graham P., Nadeem A. Memon and Avi I. Mintz. 2013. Discipline, Devotion and Dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic Schooling in Canada. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press. (Associate Fellow)

  • McDonough, G.P. 2011. "What is Assumed About a Catholic Student’s Ecclesial Agency, and Why it Matters to Catholic Schooling". Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice 14(3): 272-91. (Associate Fellow)

  • Mitchell, Lisa M. and Marjorie R. Mitchell. 2011. "Enchanted Worlds: Visayan Children’s Perspectives on Living Among Engkanto". Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 12(2):113-128. (Faculty Fellow)

  • Palmer, Eric. 2011. “The Wisdom in Wood Rot: God in Eighteenth Century Scientific Explanation,” in William H. Krieger, ed. Science at the Frontiers: Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of Science. Lexington Books. 17-34. (Visiting Research Fellow)

  • Paper, Jordan. 2012. The Theology of the Chinese Jews, 1000-1850. Ontario: Wilfred Laurier University Press. (Associate Fellow)

  • Paper, Jordan. 2011. "The Native American Earth Mother: From the Inca to the Inuit". In ed., Patricia Monaghan, Goddesses in World Culture 3: 27-42. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. (Associate Fellow)

  • Thiessen, Elmer John. 2011. The Ethics of Evangelism: A Philosophical Defense of Proselytizing and Persuasion. Downer's Grove, Il: InterVarsity Press.

  • Tsurkan, Anna A. 2011. "Evolutsia Islamskogo Radikalisma (The Evolution of Islamic Radicalism)", Voprosi Istorii (The Questions of History) 11: 162-7. (Visiting Research Fellow)

  • Walker, Madeline. 2011. The Trouble with Sauling Around: Conversion in Ethnic American Autobiography 1965-2002. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. (VFT Graduate Student Fellow)