
MEICON events

Detail of event poster featuring photo by Bernard O'Kane.
Detail of event poster featuring photo by Bernard O'Kane of a carved stone medallion at the entrance to the mosque of al-Aqmar, 1125, Cairo.

MEICON-UVic and MEICON-BC host a number of engaging and educational events about Islam and the Middle East both during Islamic History Month (October) and throughout the year. Recent events include Niall Christie's talk, Friends, Foes or Fools? Muslim Views of the Crusaders; Zayn Kassem's lecture, Representation of Muslims Women: Image and Reality; and Bernard O’Kane's, The Writing on the Walls: the Importance of Epigraphy in Medieval Cairo. MEICON also works in partnership hosting events such as the Distinguished Lecture in Islam speaker series. MEICON-related events are advertised on the "Special Events" tab of the .

MEICON-BC Student Conference

The annual MEICON-BC Student Conference provides a space for graduate and senior undergraduate students to examine and explore diverse issues and factors affecting Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and communities from multi- and inter-disciplinary perspectives. MEICON-BC aims to the further establishment of Islamic studies by offering graduate and senior undergraduate students the ability to disseminate their knowledge and engage in discussion that is facilitated by peers well versed in their chosen area of study.

The 2023 MEICON Middle East and Islamic Studies Consortium of BC Student Conference will be held at University of British Columbia's Vancouver campus, on March 25, 2023. Please visit for more details on MEICON Student Conference.


MEICON-BC Faculty Symposium

Held in 2013, the first MEICON Faculty Symposium, Canadian Contributions to Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, attracted faculty from across Canada including University of Manitoba, University of Waterloo, University of Alberta, Ryerson University, Simon Fraser, and UVic. On the following day, March 23, the MEICON Student Conference involved thirty presenters on eight panels covering a wide variety of subjects.

MEICON - Annual Middle East Film Festival at Cinecenta

Presented by the Middle East and Islamic Consortium and hosted at UVic Cinecenta, the Annual Middle East Film Festival at Cinecenta presents a diverse array of films related to the Middle East and Islam. The next series of films is set to take place in autumn, 2016 - check back for details.