
A review of the evidence regarding alcohol and COVID-19

Funding body

Movendi International


This review was another funded by Movendi International prepared by this same group of alcohol and public health researchers. This report focused on the intersections between alcohol use and COVDI-19.  These include evidence that alcohol is a risk factor for COVID-19 and that in many countries of coal consumption increased during the pandemic lockdowns. Special concerns were highlighted regarding relaxed alcohol policies in some developed countries promoted by the alcohol industry which may become permanent e.g. allowing home delivery of alcohol, longer hours and tax reductions.

This review was one of a regular series funded by Movendi International prepared by this same group of alcohol and public health researchers. A particular focus was on the risks from alcohol consumption for mothers when they are pregnant and breastfeeding. A comprehensive literature review was conducted and relevant systematic reviews and major reports identified to highlight conclusions and policy implications.

Progress to date

webinar presentations and
