

Certification marks

Equipment installed and materials supplied must meet CSA/UL standards and bear certification stamps in compliance with all applicable industry codes

For more information please refer to  and .


The successful Bidder or Proponent will be notified as soon as possible. As purchasing methods and procedures vary with the size and type of purchase, award notices may take the form of a purchase order, purchase agreement, standing offer or blanket contract. 

A Standing Offer is an agreement with a supplier to deliver goods and services “on an as and when required” basis over a specific period of time, in quantities to be determined, at prescribed prices.

All purchases made by the University must comply with Purchasing Policy FM5105 and a properly completed Purchase Order or Agreement must be issued prior to fulfillment by any Supplier or Service Provider.

Acquisitions made that do not have a properly authorized Purchase Order or Agreement through Purchasing Services may not be honoured and payment may be denied (invoices may be returned to the Supplier/Service Provider without payment).

The University reserves the right to award contracts in whole, or in part, by line item, or by category of product, or not award at all.

Awards are made on the basis of “best value” or to the Bidder/Proponent deemed to be the most responsive and responsible. All things being equal (ie. quality, delivery service, performance, etc.), the lowest price submission normally receives the award.

Any modifications of a purchase award must be authorized and confirmed in a written notice from Purchasing Services.

Purchase Order General Conditions. 


Inspection requirements are normally stated in the solicitation invitation and agreement documents. These may call for inspection in your plant or for an examination of your system for quality control. However, in most cases, inspection is performed by the consignee upon delivery, or in some cases after acceptance testing.

Damaged products, shortages, and/or overages will be reported to the Supplier at the time of delivery and/or Delivery Firm as promptly as is possible after delivery.


Purchasing Services maintains and periodically reviews Supplier performance for compliance to UVic’s expectations and standards. A qualified Supplier is one that is recognized as a responsive and responsible source of supply.

Performance problems or issues identified to the respective Supplier and not redeemed as agreed upon will undoubtedly affect future business and could result in removing a firm’s name, either temporarily or permanently, from UVic’s source list.


Where the Agreement includes shipping and/or delivery and special or further handling of goods, these form an integral part of the purchase award. UVic standard FOB Terms apply unless noted otherwise on each respective Agreement or Purchase Order.

Suppliers must acquaint themselves fully with the local conditions of deliveries and ensure that delivery is made in accordance with Agreement terms and conditions, and unless otherwise specified, delivery is by the most economical means of transportation.

Suppliers must ensure that labels, shipping documents, etc., correctly identify the consignee and their location within the University as per instructions on the Purchase Order and include UVic’s “fund/org/acct” reference number.

Fulfillment of contracts must be as specified on the purchase award document or formal agreement and in accordance with the terms and conditions shown.

Changes to any agreement are invalid unless authorized by Purchasing Services prior to shipment. Any change to an agreement will be made by a “Change Order” or cancellation issued by Purchasing Services.


Equipment installed and materials supplied must meet CSA/UL standards and bear certification stamps in compliance with all applicable industry codes.

Please refer to sample certification stamps.

All products and equipment supplied under a UVic solicitation must be Industrial Health and Safety, CSA certified, or BC Electrical Protection Branch approved for the use intended prior to delivery and/or installation.

All costs of certification and approval to be at Suppliers expense.

For more information, please refer to the Electrical Safety Program of the BC Safety Authority.


Completed responses to a solicitation posting/invitation must be submitted in the form and manner identified in each solicitation invitation. Response submissions must include all required documents and be signed in ink by an authorized official of the Bidder/Proponent.

Suppliers are cautioned to review submission terms and conditions carefully and ensure all “mandatory” requirements are complied with.

Price solicitations that have been requested by telephone or electronically (informal) may be submitted in the manner as identified within each solicitation invitation. Written confirmation may be required.

Formal tenders/bids/quotation/proposals must be returned to Purchasing Services by the closing time and date, to the location indicated, appropriately marked with the respective solicitation reference, including the Bidder/Proponent name and contact information.


US withholding tax

The waiver application is required to be completed and forwarded to the (CRA) if and when a non-resident self-employed individual or corporation is retained by UVic. The form is used when the individual or corporation wants to apply for a reduced amount of Regulation 105 withholding tax from amounts paid to the respective individual or corporation. The Regulation is applicable for any services supplied in Canada (on Canadian soil).

On Site Contractor Work

All Contractors working on-site at any UVic property must comply with the UVic's unique requirements and policies as outlined on the On Site Contractor Work.