
Course materials

Course manuals

Course manuals can be printed single sided or back to back, depending on whether or not your students will be encouraged to use the verso side of the page for note-taking. Manuals can be three-hole drilled and shrinkwrapped, spiral bound or side stitched.

We can deliver your printed manuals back to your department or directly to the Bookstore. Please note on your Printing requisition if you would like us to phone you with the price of your manuals.

Cover stock is available in a vast array of pastel and bright colours. We have sample colour swatches for you to choose from or let us know the shade you want and we’ll match it as close as possible.

  • Please number the backs of your pages in pencil if there are no page numbers on your originals.
  • Printing the manual back-to-back will save your students money and back strain from carrying a load of paper.
  • If you need specific pages in your manual to be single sided or to be printed on a coloured sheet, please note this on a sticky tab and stick it to the sheet edge so it will be easily seen by our staff.

Course outlines

These can be printed single-sided or back-to-back, on white or coloured bond.

Please try to submit your originals for printing at least six business days before your course begins, as everyone on campus is printing their outlines at the same time.


Handbooks are a useful tool to inform others of your departmental or program ethics, philosophies, policies and procedures.

Handbooks are usually set 8 ½ x 11 and either three-hole drilled to allow for updates of information or spiral bound.


Formal university exams are printed in the beginning of May, August and December of every year. We also print quizzes, midterms and finals for many departments throughout the year. We assure security and confidentiality for all our work.