
Printer details and specs

The 番茄社区 is trying to reduce the amount of printers and copiers on campus. Please consider the necessity of your request. If you can share a copier or printer then we encourage this practice.

P 311 - Desktop BW Printer

printer specs.

All printers and accessories are only available for purchase (not lease) and have the option to add on the service plan.

Average Monthly Volume:

1500 copies per month

Purchase Price:

P 311 - $313

Additional accessories:

250 sheet paper tray - $187

Service plan:

Purchase: If you choose to purchase the printer the cost of the printer is $313. All consumables and service costs (labour, toner, parts etc) will be additional. Includes a 90 day warranty.
Purchase and add on service plan: Printer cost $313 plus cost per copy will be $0.0299. However the service plan covers toner, labour and parts.
If you’re ready to order please email to request your order form. 

P 502 - Desktop BW Printer

printer specs.

All printers and accessories are only available for purchase (not lease) and have the option to add on the service plan.

Average Monthly Volume:

3000 copies per month

Purchase Price:

P502 - $855

Additional accessories:

250 sheet paper tray - $146
500 extra paper tray - $234
Hard disk drive - $264

Service plan:

Purchase: If you choose to purchase the printer the cost of the printer is $855. All consumables and service costs (labour, toner, parts etc) will be additional. Includes a 90 day warranty.
Purchase and add on service plan: Printer cost $855 plus cost per copy will be $0.0160. However the service plan covers toner, labour and parts.
If you’re ready to order please email to request your order form. 

P C311w - Desktop Colour Printer

printer specs.

All printers and accessories are only available for purchase (not lease) and have the option to add on the service plan.

Average Monthly Volume:

3000 copies per month

Purchase Price:

P C311w - $687

Additional accessories:

250 extra paper tray - $135

Service plan:

Purchase: If you choose to purchase the printer the cost of the printer is $687. All consumables and service costs (labour, toner, parts etc) will be additional. Includes a 90 day warranty.
Purchase and add on service plan: Printer cost $687 plus cost per copy will be $0.024 for B&W and $0.1070 for colour. However the service plan covers toner, labour and parts.
If you’re ready to order please email to request your order form. 


P C600 - Desktop Colour Printer

- printer specs

All printers and accessories are only available for purchase (not lease) and have the option to add on the service plan.

Average Monthly Volume:

7000 copies per month

Purchase Price:

P C600 - $1369

Additional accessories:

500 extra paper tray - $309
Cabinet - $176
Hard disk drive - $228

Service plan:

Purchase: If you choose to purchase the printer the cost of the printer is $1369. All consumables and service costs (labour, toner, parts etc) will be additional. Includes a 90 day warranty.
Purchase and add on service plan: Printer cost $1369 plus cost per copy will be $0.012 for B&W and $0.0650 for colour. However the service plan covers toner, labour and parts.
If you’re ready to order please email to request your order form.