

Under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, the University is the "administrator" of the plan, which means it has ultimate legal responsibility for the administration of the plan and the investment of the Trust Fund.

To carry out its responsibilities, the Board of Governors has constituted the following committees: The Governance Committee, the Investments and Administration Committee, and the Advisory Committee.  The three committees' roles and membership are described below.

In 2017, the Staff Plan Governance Committee completed and approved a Strategic Plan (2017 to 2021).  

Governance committee

This committee is responsible for strategic planning, as well as the establishment and oversight of the Plan's mission, goals, and policies.

  • Andrew Coward
  • Kane Kilbey (Chair)
  • Kristi Simpson
Please review the Committee's Terms of Reference for more information.

Investments and Administration committee

This committee is responsible for the oversight of investments, operations, and benefits administration.

  • Raymond Aoki
  • Andrew Coward (Chair)
  • Barbara Eccles
  • Sue Gaudet
  • Kane Kilbey
  • Mark Stephenson
  • Kara White
  • David Wolowicz

Please review the Committee's Terms of Reference for more information. 

Advisory committee

This committee provides input on member communications, and promotes awareness and understanding of the plan amongst members.

  • AVPFO Andrew Coward (Chair)
  • CUPE 917: Jason Insley
  • AVPHR: Kane Kilbey
  • CUPE 951: Kirsten Kopp
  • Staff Exempt: Rayael Michalski
  • CUPE 951: Michael Rheault
  • Retiree: Teresa Rush
  • CUPE 917: Jeff Wood

Please review the Committee's Terms of Reference for more information.