
What happens next?

We love to hear about retirees' stories and receive pictures of your adventures! Photos and short stories can be submitted to  With your consent, your photos may be used in future newsletters, presentations, various reports, website, or other marketing material.

Pension Services continues to be available to answer questions and discuss your situation during your retirement.

There are no health benefits associated with your pension. Please contact Human Resources (compensation and benefits) for information on other options available during retirement.

Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure that all information on this website is accurate and complete. Should any discrepancy exist, the Plan Documents, statutes, or regulations shall apply. 

During retirement

Once we have received all required documentation, we will manage your pension benefits as selected. Pension payments are direct deposited on the first day of each month in bank accounts within Canada.

At least annually, you will be asked to submit a Variable Benefit payment election form, which provides us with your written direction to pay the specified amount from your account.  In addition, the British Columbia Pension Benefits Standards Act and Regulation require that you confirm the monthly amount you wish to receive, within 30 days of receipt of your annual statement.  This is required even if you are already receiving the minimum monthly amounts, and regardless of whether you wish to change to your payments for the following year.

There are no health benefits associated with your pension. Please contact Human Resources (compensation and benefits) for information on other options available during retirement.

Updating your information

Please ensure that Pension Services has the most current contact information to reach you when needed. Pension Services and Human Resources operate independently from each other and therefore such changes must be reported to us separately.  

Please also ensure significant life events such as moves, divorces or separations, and deaths are also reported to us. In addition, it is important to let us know if you have a Power of Attorney in place to handle your financial affairs, or if you would like to authorize a representative to receive information on your behalf. 

Please visit the Forms section of this website to access the forms and instructions to:
• update your beneficiary information
• update your authorized representative information
• update your banking information
• update your personal tax credit amounts