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Victoria Hand Project extends reach to help amputees and kids in Canada and the US

December 3, 2019 - Media release

A UVic initiative that provides 3D-printed prosthetic hands to amputees in developing countries, will now extend its reach to help people in underserved and remote communities in Canada and the US. This initiative led by Nick Dechev, professor of mechanical engineering and ED of the Victoria Hand Project, received a $1-million award by the 2019 TD Ready Challenge, announced Dec. 3. Funding will also initiate UVic research trials on 3D-printed spinal braces to treat scoliosis in children.

Read more: Victoria Hand Project extends reach to help amputees and kids in Canada and the US
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New paper challenges evidence for some gold-standard psychotherapies

July 31, 2019 - Media release

Psychologists rely on a gold standard of clinical treatments for a wide range of conditions from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder to adult ADHD. Now new research by social psychologist John Sakaluk and his colleague at University of Kansas is calling into question some of the statistics supporting these psychotherapies.

Read more: New paper challenges evidence for some gold-standard psychotherapies
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Small boat noise in the Salish Sea impacts whale health

June 7, 2019 - The Ring

On World Ocean鈥檚 Day, marine biologist and coastal geographer Lauren McWhinnie is excited to be part of the festivities at Fisherman鈥檚 Wharf and supporting local organization SIMRES (Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society); however, her purpose will be to raise awareness about small boat noise in the Salish Sea and its impact on the health of whales and in particular the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW).

Read more: Small boat noise in the Salish Sea impacts whale health