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Expert Q&A with John Borrows on Indigenous health and economic prosperity

July 14, 2020 -

John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at UVic, is a 2020 recipient of the Governor General's Innovation Award, announced today. Borrows talks about how Indigenous laws and protocols are helping to protect First Nations during the COVID-19 pandemic and how Indigenous laws and the new Canada-US-Mexico Agreement will provide a healthier and an economically stronger future for First Nations.

Read more: Expert Q&A with John Borrows on Indigenous health and economic prosperity

June 11, 2020 - Canada Foundation for Innovation

The search for virus-resistant material

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Sociologist wins national prize for reducing inequity and stigma

May 26, 2020 - Media release

From advocating for the recognition of Indigenous and non-Indigenous midwives, to working with street-involved youth, to empowering sex workers to become their own health advocates, sociologist Cecilia Benoit has made vital contributions to the advancement of class, race and gender equality in Canada. CISUR scientist and sociology professor emerita at UVic has been awarded the 2020 Killam Prize in Social Sciences.

Read more: Sociologist wins national prize for reducing inequity and stigma
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Alcohol warning labels reduce sales, change minds

May 4, 2020 - Media release

Colourful, highly visible warning labels applied to bottles and cans of alcohol in Yukon’s largest liquor store prompted many people in Canada’s highest-alcohol-consuming region to cut back on their drinking. This was one of the major findings from the Northern Territories Alcohol Labels Study—a real-world study of alcohol warning labels led by CISUR in 2017—published this month in a special section of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Read more: Alcohol warning labels reduce sales, change minds
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Lab on a chip

April 24, 2020 - knowlEDGE

A miniaturized laboratory the size of a postage stamp could one day transform how scientists test potential drug treatments and diagnose disease.

Read more: Lab on a chip