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Making textbooks free

September 23, 2021 - The Ring

COVID-era teaching adaptations also accelerated the creation of affordable open education resources (OER) for teaching. UVic Libraries is spearheading the movement by offering publishing assistance and start-up grants to faculty members.

Read more: Making textbooks free

September 8, 2021 - The Conversation

Does being away from your smartphone cause you anxiety?

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UVic ranked as a global leader in climate action

April 22, 2020 - The Ring

A global impact ranking released today by Times Higher Education (THE) evaluating universities’ global contributions towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) puts UVic among the world’s top tier of leaders in climate action, and among the world’s top 100 institutions overall in contributing to a sustainable future for the planet. THE ranked UVic fourth among the world’s universities for climate action—meaning research and action taken to understand and respond to the global challenge of climate change.

Read more: UVic ranked as a global leader in climate action
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Vikes promote safe sport principles through new initiatives

March 9, 2020 - The Ring

Vikes athletics is advancing the package of initiatives announced earlier this year that further its commitment to providing a supportive high-performance athletic environment aligned with the principles of safe sport. Safe sport principles recognize that all athletes and coaches have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination.

Read more: Vikes promote safe sport principles through new initiatives