
Tina Bebbington

I am currently UVic's librarian for Student engagement & learning and Newspapers.  Contact me if I can be of assistance in your research, teaching or learning.

A few of my favourite things:  games&gaming, nontraditional library users, digital pedagogy, DHSI, cookbooks (LC section: TX), Militaria (LC section: U,V), Canadiana (LC section: FC), academic integrity, flipped classrooms, primary sources, news&newspapers... 

Things I'm currently learning: all about English, Data Management Planning, Academic Writing, Canadian Cold War history, about amphibians (especially Axolotls)... 


See for full contact information, and a more detailed overview of what I do.  

Library Collections:  I am the librarian for Student engagement & learning and Newspapers.  This involves building and maintaining our library collections in those areas (print, online or other formats) and assisting students, instructors, staff and members of the community at large with any relevant teaching or learning needs.  I look after some special endowment funds and their subject areas, too: Scottish Studies, Anarchist Studies, Canadiana, and more.  

Reference:  I provide research and citation help for students in my disciplines, and any others at the Research Help Desk. You can also reach me and my reference librarian collagues by phone, email, text, or by visiting our consultation office in the Learning Commons (office 135e).  I can help find and use primary sources or news items, identify scholarly sources, help you develop a research plan or develop a topic or research question, and much more! 

Service: I am a member of several committees and working groups (Libraries' Instruction, Libraries Website Refresh, and Web Archiving, to name a few), and manage a number of other ongoing projects and platforms (Libguides for subject and course guides, LibAnswers for library FAQs, LibWizard for tutorials and assessments, and more). 

I have an honours BA in History and Philosophy from Trent University, and a Masters in Library and Information Science from University of Western Ontario (2000).

After contracts at Canada's DND Archives and at the Canadian War Museum, one year with the Illinois Government as a science librarian (!), and two years as a children's librarian and branch head at Chicago Public Library, I began work at UVic in 2002, as a subject librarian for History and Political Science.  During the past many years here, I have always been the History Librarian, but have also been responsible for Philosophy, Medieval Studies, Government Documents, Women's Studies (now Gender Studies), and various other bits and pieces for short or longer terms.