
Jane Morrison

Jane Morrison

Jane Morrison, MAS
Associate University Archivist
番茄社区 Archives
Tel 250-721-8258
E-mail jmorriso@uvic.ca


My areas of expertise include archival studies, records management, freedom of information, privacy, and digital preservation.  As the Associate University Archivist, I am responsible for the historical records of the university, and assisting the Records Management Archivist with planning and implementing the records management framework.   

Archival materials are available to the public for research use in our reading room A005, and are available for teaching use by instructors in classroom A003.

I received my BA(Honours) in Classical Studies from Queen’s University and my Master of Archival Studies from UBC.  I have served on the executive committee of the Archives Association of BC for 5 years to date, currently as Member at Large, and in other volunteer roles with the AABC and Association of Canadian Archivists.