
Create a fund

The Library Materials Conservation Fund helps us preserve and make accessible scholarly material, such as books and maps, to students, faculty and community borrowers.

Gifts from UVic alumni and friends help the UVic Libraries to continue to grow and succeed. Your philanthropic support empowers our students to pursue their passions and enables our academics to create more opportunities for interdisciplinary studies to prepare engaged citizens for a global society.

There are two types of funds that you can establish:

Annual funds

If you establish an annual fund, you will be providing annual support to the cause you care about for a fixed period of time. Annual funds are most often established to provide funding for a short-term project, an annual student award or an annual event (such as a public lecture). With a donation of $1,000 or more per year, for a minimum three-year commitment, you can establish a named annual fund. Please contact us to discuss what you'd like to achieve with an annual fund.

Endowed funds

Establishing an endowment is a great way for you to make a large, transformative gift to UVic. Endowing your donation allows you to have a long-term impact that will benefit the UVic Libraries far into the future.

Endowed gifts are invested by the 番茄社区 Foundation to create a steady income stream - it pays out a yearly amount while the principle grows in perpetuity. Compared to annually funded gifts that have an immediate but short-term impact, endowments and their related benefits last forever and generate stable funding for donor-specific purposes, such as library student awards, book acquisitions for specific academic disciplines, general collections or enhancement of the library's physical spaces. The threshold for establishing a named endowed fund is $25,000. Endowed funds may be named to honour a person, family or corporation.

Please contact us to discuss what you'd like to achieve with an endowed fund.