
Cyril J. Fox

A collector of works by English painter and writer Wyndham Lewis and other 20th century non-conformist artists

Mr. Cyril J. Fox
Mr. Cyril J. Fox

During his 50 years as a Reuters and Associated Press journalist, C. J. (Cy) Fox amassed a vast collection of works by English painter and writer Wyndham Lewis and other 20th century non-conformist artists. Cy Fox donated his impressive collection to the libraries Special Collections in 2006-07.

The cornerstone of the Fox Collection is the 65 core Wyndham Lewis titles, featuring several scarce or rare works, most notably, . There are also a number of first editions or limited editions and signed copies.

The remaining body of books-totaling over 770 items-includes many titles over and above those with contents dealing explicitly with Wyndham Lewis. This additional assemblage features books by Richard Aldington, C.H. Sisson, Julian Symons, Edmund Wilson, Ford Madox Ford, Robinson Jeffers and many other writers expressing what Cy refers to as a similar "exuberant non-conformity."

In addition to books, the Fox Collection features original art works by Michael Ayrton, Robert Colquhoun, and Wyndham Lewis and many reproductions of Lewis' art, including illustrations from magazines, postcards and posters.

There is also a large archive, the , consisting of the body of materials Cy accumulated over the many years he was occupied with collecting, corresponding, reading, lecturing and writing about Lewis and others represented in the collection. Cy has become well known in Modernists literary circles-some consider him a subject expert-as there are few books on Lewis that do not have Cy in the acknowledgements.

Libraries grow in part because great collectors donate their personal collections. We are incredibly grateful for the valuable collection given to us by Cy Fox.

See also:

[exhibit catalogue]

[other Lewis-related materials in Special Collections]