
Program review, curricular planning and learning outcomes development

Graphic of University outcomes feeding program outcomes feeding course outcomes
The curricular planning and review process is ideally driven by clear learning outcomes nested at every level. From: A Guide to Program and Curricular Planning at UVic (Dawson, 2014)

University-wide learning outcomes

After conducting a thorough review of the learning outcomes (LO) initiatives already in place at UVic, the Senate Committee on Learning and Teaching updated the university-wide learning outcomes which were approved by Senate in 2014. You are encouraged to use these LOs as guide posts for developing program- and course-specific learning outcomes.

Program planning and review

There are a range of resources to support curriculum and program planning for academic units. Tips for the generation of program LOs are included. The is available by request to facilitate retreats.

You may also be interested in understanding how to  your curriculum.