
Meet online or get written feedback

We are currently offering online appointments in two forms!

Our online tutors can help you improve your academic communication skills through real-time appointments via Zoom or written feedback. This feedback gives you the tools to edit your own writing and improve your overall communication.

What to expect:

  • You can receive constructive feedback on organization, your most common grammatical error patterns and the style of your paper and its clarity.
  • The tutor will give as much feedback as he or she can in the time allotted (25 minutes, or 50 minutes if two back-to-back appointments are booked).
  • We do not provide grammar correction, citation correction, or help with take-home exams or candidacy exams without express written permission from a supervisor.
  • If you do not "show up" to a real-time online appointment or have an assignment attached within 10 minutes of the time you've booked, your appointment will be marked as "missed" and cancelled. If you miss two appointments, you will not be able make future bookings.

How it works:

For written feedback, we will get back to you by 7pm on the day of your booking. Your reviewed assignment will be attached to your appointment in our booking system, and you'll receive a notification email that it has been completed.

  • When you are ready to receive feedback, please book the next available appointment with the tutor of your choice.
  • Attach your assignment and the assignment instructions as Word documents.
  • If you have booked in advance, don't forget to go back and "Edit Appointment" to attach your assignment before the appointment begins.
  • For longer papers, please indicate the pages or sections you'd like the tutor to focus on.
  • For specific questions, use the "comments" feature to communicate directly with your tutor.

For "meet online" appointments in real time, you will meet your tutor using Zoom by clicking on that tutor's link (at the top of the booking page) at the time of your appointment.

Need help with booking? See our detailed booking instructions.