

We offer workshops on many topics!   

Do you need inspiration to start your assignments? Would you like a few tips on improving your academic writing and reading? Enrol in our for a variety of resources on writing, reading, and speaking.  

English Conversation Café: An opportunity for UVic students with English as an additional language

Join us Wednesdays from 12pm to 1pm in front of room 135m in the Mearns Centre for Learning/ McPherson Library. For specific dates, check out  

English Conversation Café is an opportunity for all UVic students with English as an additional language to improve their ability to communicate in English within an academic context. Participants will take part in various activities in a relaxed atmosphere:   

  • practice listening, reading, and discussion skills
  • receive informal coaching on vocabulary use and pronunciation
  • get tips for developing fluency and confidence
  • share laughs, information, and stories   
  • No registration necessary - just come!
  • Facilitated by Nancy Ami, Natalie Boldt, Kaveh Tagharobi, and Madeline Walker
  • Contact Madeline (caceal4@uvic.ca) for more information

Individual “Learn Abouts...”

  • Available in one-hour slots
  • Personalized workshop sessions offering a choice of relevant topics: planning your writing, self-editing, strong paragraphs, critical reading, listening and note-taking, effective presentations, and critical speaking
  • Location: online, via Zoom
  • To book an appointment for your personal “Learn About…” please email cacmgr@uvic.ca