
Tybring Hemphill

Clinical Instructor at The Law Centre

Tybring Hemphill

Tybring Hemphill

Tel: 250-385-1221

Faculty of Law
PO Box 1700, STN CSC
Victoria, BC  V8W 2Y2

BSc, Psychology and Linguistics (Toronto) 1987, LLB (UVic) 1992, called to the Bar of BC in 1993. I am a clinical instructor in the Law Centre Student Clinic Program. I practise law at the firm of McKimm & Lott in Sidney (when not working at the Law Centre Clinic), primarily in the area of criminal defence. I joined the Faculty of Law in 2000. I assist students with the preparation of trials, hearings and other matters, regularly attend court with the students, and am happily almost always able to give positive feedback.

  • BSc Psychology and Linguistics – Toronto (1987)
  • LLB – UVic (1992)
  • LAW350A The Law Centre Clinical Law Program