
Pooja Parmar

Associate Professor
President’s Chair in Law and Indigeneity in a Global Context

Pooja Parmar

Pooja Parmar

Faculty of Law
PO Box 1700, STN CSC
Victoria, BC  V8W 2Y2


Pooja Parmar is an Associate Professor and President’s Chair in Law and Indigeneity in a Global Context at UVic Faculty of Law. Her research focuses on the legal profession, ethical lawyering and Indigeneity. One of her current projects is a SSHRC-funded study of Indigenous laws as sources of ethical legal practice in BC. Much of Dr. Parmar’s research is informed by her interest in legal pluralism and legal history, and by questions of legal epistemology in multi-juridical spaces. In her published research Dr. Parmar has examined aspects of human right to water, Indigeneity, oral history and Indigenous claims, lawyers as translators across legal worlds, intersections of law and colonialism, and land, law and development. Her book titled , published by Cambridge University Press in 2015, explores some of these issues in the context of Indigenous protests against a Coca-Cola facility. Her paper titled ‘’ on competence in the context of the TRC Calls to Action received the CALT Prize for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in 2020.

Dr. Parmar joined the Faculty of Law in 2015. She received a PhD in Law from UBC, and has previously taught at Carleton University, Osgoode Hall Law School, and UBC Faculty of Law. Prior to commencing graduate research, she practiced law in New Delhi for several years. At UVic Law Dr. Parmar teaches legal ethics and professionalism, property law, and international human rights law. 

Professor Parmar is the Vice president of the  (CALE), serves on the editorial board of the , and on the Steering Committee of the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives (CAPI).


  • BA (Honours) – Panjab University (1993)

  • LLB – Panjab University (1996)

  • LLM – UBC (2006)

  • PhD – UBC (2013)

Books & Chapters

  • ‘The Lawyer-Client relationship’ in Woolley, et al, eds., , 4th Edition (Canada: LexisNexis, 2021) 77-166. Co-author: Richard Devlin
  • ‘Water Justice & Indigenous Peoples’ in Mariana Velverde, et. al. eds. (London: Routledge, 2021) 245-248.
  • (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015)
  • South Asian Edition: Indigeneity and Legal Pluralism in India: Claims, Histories, Meanings (New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2016)

 Articles in Refereed Journals

  • ‘’ (2022) 100:3 Canadian Bar Review 325-370 (with Richard Devlin, Jula Hughes, Stephen G.A. Pitel, & Amy Salyzyn).
  • The Pitfalls of Advocating for Unpopular Causes at the British Columbia Bar, 1900-1925’, (2020) 43:1 Manitoba Law Journal 59-94. Co-author: John McLaren
  • (2019) 97:3 Canadian Bar Review 426-457 (Awarded the 2020 CALT Prize for Scholarship on Teaching and Learning)
  • ‘ (2012) 49 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 491
  • ‘Prairiecall: The Vulnerabilities of Outsourced Work on America’s Near-shore’ [with Ruth Buchanan] (2009) 26:4 Journal of Architectural Planning and Research – Special Issue: ‘Work Beyond Boundaries’ 313
  • ‘Revisiting the Human Right to Water’ (2008) 28 Australian Feminist Law Journal 77
  • ‘TWAIL: An Epistemological Inquiry’ (2008) 10:4 International Community Law Review 363

Edited Collections/Special Issues

  • ‘Situating Third World Approaches to International Law: Inspirations, Challenges and Possibilities’ International Community Law Review (2008) 10:4, Guest Editor, Special Issue (with Karin Mickelson and Ibironke Odumosu)

Book Reviews

  • Review of Rajshree Chandra, The Cunning of Rights: Law, Life, Biocultures (Oxford University Press, 2016) 52: 3 Contributions to Indian Sociology (2018) pp. 360-362
  • Collective Review of Constance Backhouse, Claire L'Heureux-Dubé: A Life, (UBC Press, 2017) 56:1 Alberta Law Review, (2018) pp. 263-274 (With Adjin-Tettey, Calder, et. al.)
  • Review of Narendra Subramaniam, Nation and Family: Personal Law, Cultural Pluralism, and Gendered Citizenship in India (Stanford University Press, 2014) 49:3 Law & Society Review (2015) pp. 807-809


  • Blog Post:
  • Foreword: ‘Situating Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL): Inspirations, Challenges and Possibilities’ (2008) 10:4 International Community Law Review, Special Issue (with Karin Mickelson and Ibironke Odumosu)
  • Legal Process -
  • Property –
  • Legal Ethics & Professionalism -
  • International Human Rights and Dispute Resolution –

Prof. Parmar has supervised a range of PhD and LL.M. projects including on legal history, law and colonialism, and Indigenous rights in Canada and other parts of the world.

At this time Prof. Parmar particularly welcomes expressions of interest from prospective graduate students with an interest in Indigenous rights, Indigeneity in a global context, the legal profession, and legal ethics.