
Darcy Lindberg

Assistant Professor


Darcy Lindberg

Faculty of Law
PO Box 1700, STN CSC
Victoria, BC  V8W 2Y2

Darcy Lindberg is mixed-rooted Plains Cree, with his family coming from maskwâcîs (Samson Cree Nation) in Alberta and the Battleford-area in Saskatchewan. He holds a BA from the University of Alberta, and a JD, LLM and PhD from UVic. He has taught courses at the University of Alberta on constitutional law, Indigenous legal traditions, treaties, and Indigenous environmental legal orders.

Darcy was called to the British Columbia and Yukon bars in 2014, and practiced in the Yukon Territory with Davis LLP.  His research focuses on nêhiyaw law, ecological governance through Indigenous legal orders, gender and Indigenous ceremonies, comparative approaches in nêhiyaw and Canadian constitutionalism, and Indigenous treaty making. In 2021-22, he will be teaching one of the field schools in the JD/JID program.

  • B.A. - University of Alberta (2003) (Augustana)
  • J.D. - 番茄社区 (2013)
  • L.L.M. – 番茄社区 (2017)
  • Ph.D. - 番茄社区 (2020)

Recent publications include:

  • Lindberg, D. “Wahkotowin and Restoring Humane Relationality Within the Transnational Corporation” (2020) in Oonagh Fitzgerald, ed., Corporate Citizen: New Perspectives on the Globalized Rule of Law (McGill-Queens Press: Montreal, 2020).

  • Lindberg, D. “Drawing upon the Wealth of Indigenous Laws in the Yukon” (2020) 50 The Northern Review 179

  • Lindberg, D. “Transforming Buffalo: “Plains Cree Constitutionalism and Food Sovereignty” in Nathalie Chalifour, Heather McLeod-Kilmurray & Angela Lee, eds. Food Law and Policy in Canada (Carswell Publishing: Toronto, 2019).

  • Lindberg, D. “” in Environmental Challenges on Indigenous Lands: A CIGI Essay Series (2019) Online: Centre for International Governance Innovation.

  • Lindberg. D. “Passports to an Imaginary Diaspora: Obligations and Limits of Adoption into Indigenous Societies” (2018) in 14:4 AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 326

  • Lindberg, D. “Miyo nêhiyâwiwin (Beautiful Creeness): Ceremonial Aesthetics and nêhiyaw Legal Pedagogy” (2016) 16/17:1 Indigenous LJ 51

  • Lindberg, D. “Mediated Relations: The Indian Act and the Politics of Ignorance” in Ryan Beaton, Robert Hamilton & Josh Nichols, eds., Wise-practices: Exploring Indigenous Economic Justice and Self -Determination (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, forthcoming).

  • Lindberg, D. “Nêhiyaw Hunting Pedagogies and Revitalizing Indigenous Laws” in Hōkūlani K. Aikau, Aimée Craft, and Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark, eds., Indigenous Resurgence in an Age of Reconciliation (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, forthcoming).

  • Lindberg, D. “(Re)bundling nêhiyaw âskiy: nêhiyaw constitutionalism through land stories” in Sujith Xavier, Beverley Jacobs, Valarie Waboose, Jeffery Hewitt, and Amar Bhatia, eds., Decolonizing Law: Indigenous, Third World and Settler Perspectives (Routledge: Abingdon, UK, forthcoming).

Professor Lindberg is interested in supervising LLM and PhD students on Indigenous laws generally, and Cree law and governance specifically, as well as Indigenous laws and ecological governance, Indigenous constitutionalism, treaties and Indigenous-Crown relations.