
Our program


The Calendar is the official guide to all programs, courses, services and regulations of the University.  If there is any discrepancy between our website and the Calendar, the information in the Calendar is authoritative.

Six core courses plus Project

  • CIVE 510 - Industrial Metabolism and Global Environmental Change
  • CIVE 512 - Industrial Symbiosis, Biomimicry, and Green Chemistry
  • CIVE 513 - Urban Metabolism and Sustainable Cities
  • CIVE 515 - Methods, Tools and Data for Industrial Ecology
  • CIVE 516 - Climate Strategy
  • ES 582 - Seminar in Ecological Restoration
  • INEC 598 - MEng Project in Industrial Ecology

Electives for Industrial Ecology Program (Choose 2)

The following list provides examples of courses that might be taken as free electives in the Industrial Ecology program. Note that students may require pre-requisite courses, or suitable background, for some of these courses.  Not all courses will be available every year, or will fit with the timetable of core Industrial Ecology courses.

**Graduate students are permitted to take a maximum of one 300 or 400 level course as part of their program.

  • ADMN 331 - Governance for Planetary Health
  • ADMN 504 - Government and Governance
  • ADMN 509 - Economics for Policy Analysis
  • ADMN 512 - Public Financial Management and Accountability
  • ADMN 548 - Special Topics in Public Policy
  • CIVE 412 - Infrastructure Engineering for Indigenous Communities
  • CIVE 503 - Simulation and Optimization of Designs and Flows
  • CIVE 511 - Resilient Smart Cities
  • CIVE 517 - Systems and Complexity Modeling
  • CIVE 542 - Environmental Modeling
  • CIVE 544 - Water and Sanitation for Low Resource Contexts
  • CIVE 547 - Water Treatment Processes
  • CIVE 550 - Green Building Design
  • CIVE 565 - Energy Systems Decarbonization
  • CIVE 566 - Energy System Transitions
  • EOS 460 - Earth System Science
  • EOS 550 - The Climate System
  • ES 405 - Climate, Energy and Politics
  • ES 580 - Sem: Political Ecology: Indigenous and Decolonizing Methodologies
  • GEOG 520 - Introductory GIS for Graduate Research
  • MECH 450C/580* - Energy Conversion and Storage (**450C may only be taken in years that 580 is not offered)
  • MECH 542 - Energy Systems
  • MECH 547 - Wind Power Systems
  • PHIL 500 - Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy Climate and the Anthropocene

Electives Available in Fall 2024

  • ADMN 504 - Government and Governance
  • ADMN 509 - Economics for Policy Analysis
  • ADMN 512 - Public Financial Management and Accountability
  • ADMN 548 - Special Topics in Public Policy
  • ES 580 - Sem: Political Ecology: Indigenous and Decolonizing Methodologies
  • MECH 450C/580* - Energy Conversion and Storage (**450C may only be taken in years that 580 is not offered)
  • PHIL 500 - Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy Climate and the Anthropocene

Electives Available in Spring 2025

  • ADMN 331 - Governance for Planetary Health
  • CIVE 412 - Infrastructure Engineering for Indigenous Communities
  • CIVE 511 - Resilient Smart Cities
  • CIVE 544 - Water and Sanitation for Low Resource Contexts
  • CIVE 547 - Water Treatment Processes
  • CIVE 566 - Energy System Transitions
  • EOS 460 - Earth System Science
  • MECH 450C/580* - Energy Conversion and Storage (**450C may only be taken in years that 580 is not offered)
  • MECH 542 - Energy Systems
  • PHIL 500 - Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy Climate and the Anthropocene

Program outcomes

Upon completion of the program, graduates of the MEng in Industrial Ecology will be able to:

  1. assemble and compute energy and material flows in an industrial society over a range of scales, from products and services to cities and economies;
  2. frame, develop and apply systems approaches for determining the environmental and economic impacts of infrastructure, products, processes and services using appropriate spatial, temporal and life-cycle boundaries;
  3. plan and analyze systems for material reuse and recycling, displaying a well-developed understanding of the limitations and potential of circular economies;
  4. demonstrate a basic level of understanding of the scientific basis of environmental impacts of human activities (e.g., climate change, biodiversity loss, water stress and other affected planetary boundaries), including an appreciation of the complexity of ecological systems; and
  5. explain how the methods and tools of Industrial Ecology can be applied in business, economic and public policy contexts.