
JCURA projects


The (JCURA) were designed to provide support for exceptional undergraduate students who might otherwise not be able to obtain a direct research experience. Participants are awarded a $1500 scholarship upon successful completion of a research project.

The JCURA poster presentations are held in early March of each year. This year, Religion, Culture and Society student Karin Dayton presented a poster titled "From Atha to Iti:Sanskrit: An Illustrated Introduction".

Call for Applications

The Religion, Culture and Society program issues a call for applications in Spring. Watch the News section of our website for more information.



We were pleased to have 2 JCURA recipients this year. 

Vanessa Aase

Vanessa is in her third-year Honours History Major and Political Science Minor. Her academic interests include substance use and governmental policy, cold war politics, social inequalities, and the role of mass media. In her spare time, Vanessa loves to paint pottery, attend spin classes, and ski. Upon completing her degree, she hopes to attend law school to become an immigration lawyer.

View the JCURA poster:

How the "War on Terror" Became a War against Muslim Americans

Ceren Yilmaz

I am a student at UVic majoring in Political Science. My JCURA research focuses on democracy and secularism to assess the political implications, significance, and importance of abortion politics. My research and academic interests include moral politics, issue-framing, and governance. I am passionate about researching the impact of various discourses on political life and governance.

View the JCURA poster:

Democrat Pro-Choice and Republican Pro-Life Abortion Politics: The By-Product of The Supposed Existence of a Binary Between The Church and State

See all of the JCURA projects from across campus on the .