
New Emergency Fellowship for Ukrainian PhD Students


A crowd of more than 1,000 people rally in support of Ukraine against Russian forces near Victoria’s Parliament buildings, Feb 2022. Credit: Charlotte Schallié.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues with no end in sight, Ukrainian students are increasingly impacted by the war and all the uncertainty it brings.

In response, the Faculty of Humanities has created an emergency fellowship for doctoral students currently studying at a Ukrainian university, offering financial support, peer and faculty mentors, and an office space at UVic to safely complete their degree.

“Students in Ukraine are highly vulnerable at the moment due to the ongoing invasion and attempted genocide by Russia,” says Serhy Yekelchyk, a UVic professor of Slavic Studies and internationally recognized specialist on the Ukraine/Russia conflict. “Canada is both a trusted ally of Ukraine and a site of outstanding expertise in Ukrainian studies. It is quite possibly the best place for Ukrainian students, who will feel welcome at UVic and be able to continue with their education.”

Funding for one fellowship has already been raised internally by the Faculty of Humanities, Continuing Studies, and Faculties of Social Science, Education and Law. Efforts to raise funds for are currently underway.

“In times of war like this, it is important to maintain independent scholarly research,” says Hanna Protasova, a Ukrainian-born poet who is currently completing an MA in Slavic Studies. “Victoria offers a safe, friendly and inclusive environment where Ukrainian students impacted by the invasion can carry out their academic work, which can create a better understanding of Ukraine, its culture and history both in Canada and worldwide.”

The Ukraine Emergency Doctoral Student Fellowship in the Humanities is a one-year visiting research fellowship of at least $40,000 that will be awarded to an academically outstanding PhD student who, at the time of application, is enrolled at any Ukrainian university in a doctoral program in the Humanities. It includes access to the university’s libraries, an office at the Centre for Global Studies, and peer and faculty mentors.


An illustration depicting the arrival of the recipients of the Ukraine Emergency Student fellows at UVic, by Ukrainian-born and -based visual artist Oksana Drachsovska. Credit: Oksana Drachsovksa.

Applications for the fellowship are being accepted until June 30, 2022.

If you would like to help support a second Ukrainian student by donating to the fellowship fund, visit .


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