
Program information

Georgia Angelopoulos demonstrates calligraphy to students in MEDI 452.

Medieval studies offers honours, major, general and minor programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. You can also earn a double major by taking the major in medieval studies together with a major in another department or faculty. Get a minor in medieval studies by completing the requirements for our general program together with a major or honours program in another department or faculty.

Contact if you're interested in pursuing a program in medieval studies.

Major in medieval studies

Declaring your major in Medieval Studies is easy. We recommend you try our programs with MEDI 100 and MEDI 200 during the first year.

Here is a step-by-step guide to declaring your program, after completing at least 12 units:

1. Go to your MyPage

2. Click on the “Grades & Records” Tab

3. Click on “Program declaration or change"

You can also visit the , and get help and guidance from one of the advisors there.

Requirements for the major:

4.5 units of the following MEDI courses:

As well as:

Double major

If you're pursuing a double major, you may select courses on the eligible courses list for your second field of concentration, provided the same units are not used for both majors.

Why do an honours in medieval studies?

You'll have the opportunity to work more independently and intensively on a special research essay by doing a final graduating essay, which will be done under the guidance of an individual tutor assigned in the final year of your degree. It is possible to do more coursework in the area. This program is ideal if you're hoping to go on to graduate studies in the discipline.

What are the main requirements?

  • Admission normally requires a minimum overall GPA of 6.0 in 3.0 units of medieval studies of Program courses at the 300 and 400 level;
  • Normally a student applies for honours at the end of the second year;
  • Honours candidates are required to have their program of courses approved by the director of the Medieval Studies Program.

Third- and forth-year requirements

For the honours program, you must take 21 units of upper-level courses numbered 300 or above, some of which are required. The remaining units must be taken from MEDI course offerings and the list of eligible courses (with no more than 3 units selected from any department).

MEDI 499: Choosing a topic, finding a supervisor, and applying to register

Normally, students will begin the task of choosing their topic and finding a supervisor in the spring term of their penultimate year in the program. Thus students finishing their degree in four years would normally choose a topic and find a supervisor in the spring term of the third year. Ideally, Honours students will submit an essay proposal by the last day of classes in the spring term. The MEDI 499 Proposal Form is available from the Medieval Studies office and requires the following information:

  • a working title for the essay;
  • a 200- to 250-word description of the proposed essay topic;
  • a word count of the description;
  • a working bibliography of up to five primary sources and five secondary sources.

The completed Proposal should be signed by the supervisor and submitted to the Director of Medieval Studies for approval.

The spring deadline will allow students to begin work on the graduating essay at the beginning of the following Winter Session, even in cases where the proposals require revision for the Director’s approval. In principle, the graduating essay may be written in the fall or the spring term, or even in the summer term or the summer and fall term (all parties being willing and able [see below]). Individual schedules may vary, depending on student goals and the availability and approval of the supervisor and the Director. Students should meet with their supervisors in the first week of the term in which the work is to begin and prepare The Honours Proposal Form for a MEDI 499, to be signed by the student, the supervisor, and the Director before the student can register.

Language requirements for honours

You will be required to demonstrate a reading knowledge of a language other than English. Latin and Greek are particularly recommended although you may also choose French, German, Italian, or Spanish, Old English, or Old Icelandic. You may apply to the program to substitute another language. Normally this requirement is fulfilled by successfully completing 3.0 units of 200-level language courses with a grade of C or higher in each course. This requirement may also be fulfilled by completing successfully FRAN 180, or GREE 101 and 102 , or LATI 101 and 102, with a grade of C or higher in each course. In special circumstances, if you're already fluent in a language, you may request a translation examination administered by the program.

Standing at graduation

  • An honours degree "with distinction" requires a graduating average of 6.5 or higher, as well as an average of 6.5 or higher in all courses taken in MEDI at the 300 and 400 level;
  • Third-year students whose performance in the honours program falls below a GPA of 3.5 will be required to transfer to the major program at the beginning of their fourth year;
  • Fourth-year students whose graduating average (or whose average in courses taken in MEDI at the 300 and 400 level) is below 3.5, but who otherwise meet the university requirements for graduation, will receive a BA with a major in Medieval Studies.

Minor in medieval studies

To complete the minor, you must take the following courses

And two of the following courses:

As well as:

If you're considering graduate work medieval studies, we encourage you to take advantage of the Latin courses offered by Greek and Roman studies. Since the study of ancient Greece and Rome provides an excellent background for medieval studies, and because medieval culture has analogues in non-European cultures, we have created a list of background and comparative courses that serve as useful electives. is also suggested.