
Sheryl McDonald Werronen

Sheryl McDonald Werronen
Marie Currie Research Fellow
Arnamagnæan Institute at the University of Copenhagen

Medieval Studies - Honours, Linguistics minor BA (2012)

Sheryl’s degree in medieval studies gave her a strong foundation on which to build her academic career. She feels very lucky to have had the opportunity as an undergraduate to take courses in Old Norse language and literature, palaeography, and codicology, in addition to so many other interesting courses in diverse fields. As an interdisciplinary program, the degree was well-rounded and prepared her well for further studies.

If someone told me 12 years ago when I was just starting the degree that one day I would be working as a researcher in Copenhagen, I don’t think I would have believed it!

Subsequent education: Medieval English Literature - MA (U of Leeds, 2009), PhD (U of Leeds, 2013)