
Courtney Burrell

Courtney Burrell
PhD Candidate

Medieval Studies - Honours BA (2012)

Courtney graduated from the Medieval Studies honours program in 2012. After completing the program, she moved to Munich, Germany, to complete a master’s degree in Nordic Philology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Currently she is pursuing a PhD degree in Old Norse/Scandinavian studies at the same institute.

The Medieval Studies Program provided her with scholarship opportunities, including the JCURA scholarship program, through which I completed an independent research project that greatly influenced my interest in medieval studies and research as a career.

I have no negative memories of the program – only positive ones about the professors, staff and my fellow students. As a small, interdisciplinary program, students have the advantage of taking courses in different areas of study relating to medieval history and are able to have closer contact with lecturers.

Subsequent education: Nordic Philosophy - MA (Ludwig-Maximillians U)