
International opportunities

Mich猫le Favarger pointing at Cuba on a wall map

Mich猫le Favarger spent time in Cuba as part of a self-directed experiential course.

Several women, an alpaca, and vehicles in Cusco, Peru

Cusco, Peru

View of Rio de Janeiro and surrounding area from up high

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

People walking through a street in San Cristolbal, Mexico

San Cristolbal, Mexico

Latin American studies offers a variety of international opportunities. These opportunities can be built with the assistance of an instructor, the director of the program, or with research at other institutions. There are also opportunities to join field schools or study abroad programs hosted by other departments on campus that count towards your degree. 

While spending at least one month in Latin America, this course allows you to pursue a project of your interest based on participating in an academic or community outreach program.  Your project can also be based on other forms of direct involvement in Latin America. This course is run on a request and one-by-one basis, so please contact the  or the Latin American Studies for more information.

Co-op Placements in Chile and Brazil

The university of Victoria has co-op placements in both Chile and Brazil.


Field Schools

Receive LAS credit for field schools in Cuba and Mexico (Anth 382) or Belize (GEOG 491). These field schools are excellent opportunities for you to earn UVic credits while enhancing your first-hand knowledge of the region.


GEOG 491: Global Food Systems and Sustainability in Practice

Agroecology Field School

Want to spend Feruary Reading break in Belize? This week-long school introduces students to the origins of chocolate in a place where Indigenous culture is embedded in the stewardship of the Theobroma cacao tree and its surrounding ecosystem. Using agroecology as a lens to study the challenges and apportunities embedded in global and local food systems, this course will centre student-led and research-enriched learning with community partners in the rainforests of Belize

Application deadline: Oct 1, 2024

Full course and application information can be found here.

Study abroad

Study Spanish at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador!

Spend the fall in Cuenca, a UNESCO Heritage Site 2500m above sea level with a population around 332,000. The program offers intensive Spanish languages courses, cultural and literary readings, visits to museums, field trips and community outreach opportunities.

The courses include SPAN 250A/B, SPAN 255, SPAN 275 and SPAN 350A for 7.5 UVic units. Classes are from 8:30am to 12:45pm.  All instructors are native speakers of Spanish and will teach 7–15 students. If you don't have SPAN 100A/B, consider taking the SPAN 149 in the summer session. 

Homestay accommodations are arranged by the Universidad de Cuenca with homes no further than 30 minutes from campus by public transportation. Rentals closer to the campus are possible, but are not organized by the university.

For more information, please see the study abroad page in Hispanic and Italian Studies.

Semester Abroad at Latin American University

Consider doing a semester abroad at a university in Latin America. UVic has partnerships with universities in Mexico, Brazil and Chile. The universities offer courses in English and Spanish while giving you the opportunity to learn the language, culture, and experience student life abroad. Most, if not all your courses, will count for the LAS (confirm with LAS Director prior to departure). Check out details and how to apply at the following link.


Judy Payne Memorial Award

judypayne-smallOne or more awards, of at least $1,000 each, are given to undergraduate students who are:

  • a declared minor/general, major or honours student in Latin American Studies, and
  • enrolled in the upcoming Summer Session or Winter Session, or who were registered in the previous academic Winter Session, in a Latin American Studies Experiential Learning class.
    Part-time student are eligible (min. 6.0 units).

Approval of the recipient(s) is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Humanities.