
Emily Bibby

Emily Bibby
Grand Palladium Hotels & Resorts, Playa Del Carmen

BA in Latin American Studies (2013)

Emily worked as an intern for six months in the entertainment team at an all-inclusive resort in Playa Del Carmen. She now works there full-time and her duties include leading multiple sport and fitness-oriented activities in English, Spanish and French, encouraging guests to participate in games and activities through public relations, communicating with guests and providing tour and travel advice and recommendations.

My LAS degree has played a huge role in both my work and even my everyday life. Prior to starting my degree, I was fascinated by Latin America; the history, politics, culture, literature, and especially the language. My LAS degree fueled the fire for wanting to learn even more. I am extremely lucky in that the combination of both my degrees and my ability to understand and speak Spanish has opened up many doors and presented many great opportunities on an international scale.

Subsequent education: Diploma in Marketing Management in Tourism, BCIT (2016)