
Dr. Mariel Grant

Dr. Mariel Grant
Associate Professor
Office: Cle B213

BA (Trent), DPhil (Oxon)

Area of expertise

Modern British History, Social and Cultural History, Mass Media, Propaganda, Tourism

Office hours

Fall 2024: Thursday 2:30 - 4:00 pm or by appointment


Dr. Grant has a B.A. Honours degree in history from Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, and a doctorate in history from the University of Oxford. Her doctoral research was on the history of government propaganda in England under the supervision of the noted british historian Asa Briggs. She taught at the University of Saskatchewan and Trent University, before joining the department at UVic in 1990.

Selected publications


Propaganda and the Role of the State in Inter-War Britain (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).

Articles and chapters:

"Towards a Central Office of Information: Continuity and Change in Government Information Policy, 1939-1951." Journal of contemporary History, volume 34, no. 1, January 1999.

"The National Health Campaigns of 1937-1938." Cities, Class and Communication: Essays in Honour of Asa Briggs. Harvester Press, 1990.


HSTR 220A History of England to the Glorious Revolution
HSTR 220B History of England from the Glorious Revolution - present
HSTR 314A Britain from Iron Bridge to Crystal Palace, 1789 - 1851
HSTR 314B Britain from the 'Age of Equipoise' to World War, 1851-1914
HSTR 315A Britain's Short Twentieth Century, 1901 - 1951
HSTR 315B Modern Britain, 1951 - present
HSTR 415 War and Social Change in England During the Two World Wars
HSTR 416 Mass Media and British Politics and Society, 1896 - 1956