
Dr. David Dolff

Dr. David Dolff
Office: Cle B214
Area of expertise

Modern European History, History of Soviet Union (Not available to supervise)

Office Hours

Fall 2024: Tuesday 9:30 - 10:20 and Wednesday 11:30 - 12:20


I’m delighted to be teaching in this beautiful place surrounded by so many wonderful people! My general area of study is the international history of the modern world. I have an Honours BA in History, with a Russian and East European Studies Option from the University of Waterloo, an MA in the History of International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a PhD in History from the University of Alberta, with a focus on the foreign policy of the USSR. My primary interest lies in examining the root causes of current international and civil conflicts, with particular attention to the post-Soviet space, as well as the role of the international community and institutions such as the UN in current affairs. I have taught a number of courses related to these types of issues, and look forward to doing more in the future.


HSTR 112B World History, 1900 - present
HSTR 115 The Second World War
HSTR 308 The United States and Vietnam
HSTR 310B US-Soviet Relations in the Cold War Era
HSTR 351 Imperial Russia 1689-1917
HSTR 352 The Soviet Union and its Successor States, 1917-2000