
Dr. Wendy Wickwire

Dr. Wendy Wickwire
Emeritus Professor and Adjunct
Department of History and Environmental Studies

BMus (W Ont), MA (York), PhD (Wesleyan)

Area of expertise

Canadian. Indigenous history, British Columbia, Oral History, History of Northwest Anthropology


Indigenous history, British Columbia, Oral History, History of Northwest Anthropology.


History of British Columbia with special emphasis on the Indigenous peoples of the region. 

Curriculum Vitae

Selected publications


  • At the Bridge: James Teit and an Anthropology of Belonging. (UBC Press, 2020).
  • Living By Stories: A Journey of Landscape and Memory (Talonbooks, Vancouver 2005).
  • Nature Power: In the Spirit of an Okanagan Storyteller (ed.) With Harry Robinson. (Douglas and McIntyre and University of Washington Press, Vancouver & Seattle, 1992). New edited edition, Vancouver: Talonbooks: Vancouver, 2004).
  • Write It On Your Heart: The Epic World of an Okanagan Storyteller (ed.) With Harry Robinson. (Talonbooks, Vancouver, 1989).
  • Stein: The Way of the River. With Michael M’Gonigle. (Talonbooks, Vancouver, 1988).
  • Victory Harvest: Diary of a Canadian in the British Women’s Land Army, 1940-1944, by Marian Kelsey. (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997). Edited and with an Introduction by Wendy Wickwire and Michael M’Gonigle.
  • Guest editor, BC Studies (“Ethnographic Eyes: Essays in Memory of Douglas L. Cole”), Special Double Issue, Nos. 125/126, Spring/Summer, 2000.

Articles and chapters:

  • “To See Ourselves as the Other’s Other: Nlaka’pamux Contact Narratives,” Canadian Historical Review, 75 (1), 1994, pp. 1-20.
  • “‘We Shall Drink From the Stream and So Shall You’: James A. Teit and Native Resistance in British Columbia, 1908-22,” Canadian Historical Review 79 (2), 1998, pp. 199-236.
  • “Reconciling Issues of Time-Past and Time-Present in New Works of BC Ethnography: A Review Essay,” in BC Studies  (Summer/Autumn 2003) 138/139, 165-172. 
  • “Stories from the Margins: Toward a More Inclusive British Columbia Historiography,” Journal of American Folklore  118 (470), Fall 2005: 453-474.
  • “’They Wanted Me To Help Them’: James A. Teit and the Challenge of Ethnography in the Boasian Era,” in Celia Haig-Brown and David A. Nock, eds., With Good Intentions: Euro-Canadian and Aboriginal Relations in Colonial Canada (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006), pp. 307-316.

Grad students

Christie Shaw, 2002
Robert Hancock, 2002 
Allison McRae-Miller 2003
Nicholas May, 2003  (SSHRC-funded)
Jonathan Peyton, 2004  (SSHRC-funded)
Elaine Moore
Karl Preuss
Emma Lowman (SSHRC-funded)
Davin Alder
Emily Recalma
Ben Clinton-Baker
Lianne Charlie
Elina Hill