
Catherine Marie Gilbert

Catherine Marie Gilbert
Author, Historian, Teacher

What do historians do? Since I worked in Heritage before being accepted into UVic’s graduate program, I decided to opt for the Public History Stream. Through writing, teaching, lecturing and working as a heritage interpreter I am brought into contact with numerous amazing people. Since graduation I completed a second book derived from my MA thesis,  (Finalist, 2021 Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing).

I’ve been working on the life story of environmental activist David (Walrus) Garrick, who was involved with Greenpeace during its formative years. I am also working on a memoir of Deb Mearns. Mearns became the first Indigenous lawyer in British Columbia in 1981 and for many years worked as an activist for Indigenous rights.

I teach Canadian History sessionally at North Island College and frequently give history talks to local groups and museums. I've been featured in a Telus documentary about the mine in Strathcona Park, and have been interviewed for a sequel concerning the Park’s recreational offerings. In April 2023, I was featured on CHEK TV’s Intriguing Island Women.

Hons BA French and History (York) 1994
MA History (UVic) 2018

The best fun is working as a history tour guide, travelling with Wells Gray Tours’ clients through Strathcona Park by bus to the west coast at Gold River, then cruising on the Uchuck III coastal working freighter to Zeballos. Who says history has to be dull?