
Gregory D. Rowe

 Gregory D. Rowe
Associate Professor
Office: Clearihue B430

D.Phil. (Oxford)

Area of expertise

Interests: Roman History:Greek and Latin epigraphy, Roman public and private law, Jewish and early Christian history.

Interests and Areas of Graduate Supervision:

Roman History: Greek and Latin epigraphy, Roman public and private law, Jewish and early Christian history.

I am happy to supervise Master’s theses in any area of Roman history.

 MA Theses supervised and co-supervised:

A. Pitts-Irish, Bishop, Preacher, Teacher: A Social Approach to St Augustine’s Educational Theory and Practice”

G. Ramsey, Kingship in Hellenistic Bactria”

J. Nay, Citizenship, Culture and Ideology in Roman Greece”

L. Bishop, The transformation of administrative towns in Roman Britain”

M.A. Deminion, Staging morality : studies in the "Lex Iulia de adulteriis" of 18 BCE”

R.L. Littlechilds, The epitaphs of Damasus and the transferable value of persecution for the Christian community at Rome in the fourth-century AD”

D. Coad, Pauline Christianity as a Stoic Interpretation of Judaism”

N. Barney (current), Seneca the Elder: declamation and education in Augustan Rome

C. Tomblin (current), Roman Imperial portraiture and the crisis of the third century AD

Recent Publications:


Princes and Political Cultures: The New Tiberian Senatorial Decrees, University of Michigan Press. 2002. ISBN 0-472-11230-9

Edited Volumes:

(Ir)rationality in Antiquity. Papers from the Joint Meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest, edited by L M Bowman and G Rowe, Mouseion Series 3, vol. 4.

Vita Vigilia Est : Papers on the Elder Pliny in Honour of Barbara Levick, edited by E Bispham, E Matthews, and G Rowe, Bulletin of the Institute for Classical Studies. Suppl 100 (2007).

Articles, Chapters, Review Articles:

Trimalchio’s World,” review article, G. Camodeca, Tabulae Pompeianae Sulpiciorum (TPSulp.). Edizione critica dellarchivio puteolano dei Sulpicii (Rome: Quasar 1999), in Scripta Classica Israelica 20 (2001):225-45

Review of T.C. Brennan, The Praetorship in the Roman Republic, 2 Vols. (Oxford:  Oxford University Press 2000), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2001.08.21

The Emergence of Monarchy, 43 B.C.-A.D. 96,” in The Blackwell Companion to the Roman Empire, edited by D.S. Potter, Blackwell Publishers (2006):115-25

The Elaboration and Diffusion of the Text of the Monumentum Ephesenum,” in The Customs Law of Asia, edited by M. Cottier et al., Oxford University Press (2008):236-50.

Tiberius”, chapter for A. Barrett, ed., Lives of the Caesars, Blackwell (2008):38-60.

“Epigraphical Cultures of the Classical Mediterranean : Greek, Latin, and Beyond”, chapter for A. Erskine, ed., Blackwell Companion to Ancient History, 2009 :23-36.

Reconsidering the Auctoritas of Augustus,” Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013): 1-15.

Roman Juridical Epigraphy” in C. Bruun and J. Edmondson, Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, Oxford Universtity Press 2014.

Forthcoming Publications:

I am currently preparing two conference papers on the Res Gestae of Augustus for publication: “A Commemoration of Commemorations: the Res Gestae in the context of Augustan epigraphy, Recusatio imperii, collegiality, and the accession of Tiberius  implications of Woodman’s reading of quŏque at Res Gestae 34.3.” Additional papers on the heading of the Res Gestae and the audience and purpose of Roman monumental inscriptions are also planned. In May 2017, I will be presenting a paper entitled Weaponizing Images in the Roman Empire” at Durham University. In future, I hope to work on two research projects, provisionally called “Canon and Curriculum” (on the way Latin literature ca. 250 BC-AD 450 grew out of and fed back into different levels of Roman education) and “Luke’s Restless World” (on the panorama of Mediterranean society in Acts of the Apostles).

Current Projects:

I teach a weekly Latin Class for Teens at the Nellie McClung Branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library, now in its eighth year.