
Cedric A.J. Littlewood

Cedric A.J. Littlewood
Professor and Associate Dean (Graduate Studies)
Office: Clearihue B424

D.Phil. (Oxford)

Area of expertise

Silver Latin poetry, especially Senecan tragedy and Roman satire.

Interests and Areas of Graduate Supervision:

Silver Latin poetry, especially Senecan tragedy and Roman satire.

I supervise graduate students in Latin literature more widely. Between 2022 and 2027 I will have up to $15,000 annually, beyond the Department’s resources, to fund Research Assistants.

Recent Publications:

Littlewood, C. (2014) ‘Allusion and Ambiguity in ps-Seneca, Hercules Oetaeus,’ Mouseion 11: 317-40 (2011, actually published 2014).

Littlewood, C. (2015) ‘Theater and Theatricality in Seneca’s World,’ in S. Bartsch and A. Schiesaro, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Seneca, 161-73. Cambridge.

Littlewood, C. (2016) ‘Epic and Elegy in Lucan’s Bellum Civile,’ in A. Keith and J. Edmondson, eds. Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle, 159-84. Toronto.

Littlewood, C. (2016) ‘Seneca, Horace and the Poetics of Transgression,’ in S. Frangulidis, S. Harrison and G. Manuwald, eds. Roman Drama and its Contexts: Trends in Classics 30, 363-78. Berlin.

S. Bartsch, K. Freudenburg and C. Littlewood (2017) eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Nero. Cambridge.

Littlewood, C. (2017) ‘Post-Augustan Revisionism,’ in S. Bartsch, K. Freudenburg and C.A.J. Littlewood, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Nero, 79-92Cambridge.

Littlewood, C. (2018) ‘Hercules Furens and the Senecan Sublime,’ Ramus 46: 153-74 (2017, actually published 2018).

Littlewood, C. (2019), ‘Socrates in Roman Satire,’ in C. Moore (ed.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Socrates, 367-98. Leiden.

Current Projects:

I am currently writing a book on Seneca’s Troades for the Bloomsbury Companions to Greek and Roman Tragedy series.