
MA theses


Student Name



Liping Ge  MA in Germanic Studies

Alan Bancroft MA in Slavic Studies

Emma Murray  MA in Slavic Studies

Mikhail Busch

MA in Germanic Studies

Ethan Calof

MA in Slavic Studies

New Men for a New World Reconstituted Masculinities in Jewish-Russian Literature (1903 – 1925)

André Flicker

MA in Germanic Studies

"Jetzt kann ich diesem nur sagen, daβ ich schweige": Über die dramatische Gestaltung des Schweigens in Karl Kraus' Drama Die letzten Tage der Menschheit

Chorong Kim

MA in Germanic Studies

Storytelling Tricksters: A Reader’s Coming-of-Age in Young Adult Fantasy Fiction in German

Kat Ehle

MA in Slavic Studies

"Corporeal Canvas: Art, Protest, and Power in Contemporary Russia”

Michaud, Jason

MA in Germanic Studies

“The Aesthetics And Ethics of  Refraction: Narrative Structure, Imagery and Temporality in W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz

Kell, Zola

MA in Germanic Studies

 “Found In Translation: an Ongoing Dialogue Between Theory and Practice”

Severyn, Ryan

MA in Germanic Studies

“From The Lancet To The Page: an Analysis of Bloodletting as a Metaphor for Bearing Witness and Its Potentially Deadly Consequences”

Tobler, Tamara

MA in Germanic Studies

Uncanny Reminders: The “Nazi” in Popular Culture

Bhandar, Veronica

MA in Germanic Studies

Sounding Through Silence: Inter-Generational Voicings in Memoir, Memory and Postmemory

 Peinhopf, Irene

MA in Germanic Studies

Tales of Desire and Destruction: The Natural Vampire in Ludwig Tieck's "Der Runenberg" and Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens

Gans, Moses

MA in Germanic Studies

Fathers, Sons and the Holo-ghost: Reframing Post-Shoah Male Jewish Identity in Doron Rabinovici’s Suche nach M (Germanic Studies; 2012)

Bickert, Neale

MA in Germanic Studies

The Ambiguity of Otherness in Adaptations of the Nibelungen Myth: Das Nibelungenlied and Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen

Felker, April

MA in Germanic Studies

Fangs, Fear, and Friendship: Looking at the Monsters in Let the Right One In (2008) and Let Me In (2010)

Allen, Colleen

MA in Germanic Studies

Suddenness and Suspended Moment: Falling in Heinrich von Kleist’s Penthesilea

Morris, Angelika

MA in Germanic Studies

On the Wings of Tradition Towards Modernity: An Interpretation of Wilhelm Busch's Eduards Traum

Weimer-Stuckmann, Gerlinde

MA in Germanic Studies

Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: Frequency and Spacing of Rehearsals

Reed, Rebecca

MA in Germanic Studies

Storytelling and Survival in the Murderer's House: Gender, Voice(lessness) and Memory in Helma Sanders-Brahms' Deutschland, bleiche Mutter

Davison, Jennifer

MA in Slavic Studies

Power Dynamics in Russian-Tatarstani Relations A Case Study

Nijdam, Elizabeth

MA in Germanic Studies

Stasi, Sex and Soundtracks: Thomas Brussig's Postalgie

Warkentin-Scott, John R.

MA in Germanic Studies

Discovering Slowness: the Quest for Solutions to Speed in Sten Nadolny's Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit

Neumann, Christiane

MA in Germanic Studies

Christa Wolfs Medea. Stimmen: Mythen, Frauen und der Literaturstreit

Kay, Jennifer L.I.

MA in Germanic Studies

Heinar Kipphardt's Bruder Eichmann in East and West: A Contribution to Vergangenheits-und Gegenwartsbewältigung

Speth, Kathrin

MA in Germanic Studies

Das fiat mihi in Werke Gertrud von le Forts

Tranbarger, Andrea

MA in Germanic Studies

Distnanz und Nähe: Das Amerikabild in ausgewählten Texten von Jürg Federspiel

Kosinski, Lech

MA in Germanic Studies

Else Seel's Canadian Diary: A Diary or an Autobiographical Narrative?

Zimmermann, Iris

MA in Germanic Studies

The Fantastic Problem of Individuation as Depicted in Gustav Meyrink's Der Golem and Walpurgisnacht

Hofer, Monica Karin

MA in Germanic Studies

Re-Thinking Male/Female Arrangements in Karin Struck's Glut und Asche: Eine Liebesgeschichte

Satzinger, Beatrix

MA in Germanic Studies

Neuschreibungen historischer Frauengestalten in der Literatur von Frauen: Daphne Marlatts Ana Historic und Christ Wolfs Kassandra

Whelan, Michael Paul

MA in Germanic Studies

Expressionistic Elements in Walter Bauer's Early Works

Willis, Lydia

MA in Germanic Studies

Lives of Lotte: An Examination of a Literary Relationship between Goethe and Plenzdorf

Abbott, Maria Klara

MA in Germanic Studies

Structure and Time, Narrative Perspective and Feminism in  Irmtraud Morgner's Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura

Robertson, Karen

MA in Germanic Studies

Gottfried Keller's Farewell to the "Originalgenie": an Examination of the Züricher Novellen

Atkinson, Dena L.

MA in Germanic Studies

Stefan George, A Poet of Conflicts: From Hymnen to Algabal

Dumka, Gisela

MA in Germanic Studies

Verdammt und Erlöst

Obst, Brigitte U.

MA in Germanic Studies

Die Ländschaft in Ausgewählten Werken Walter Bauers