
Emmanuel H茅rique

Emmanuel H茅rique
Assistant Professor

Doctorat de III猫me cycle (Nancy II)

Area of expertise

French linguistics, phonetics, stylistics

Emmanuel Hérique's research and teaching interest is in language and linguistics. With MAs and BAs in French, English and Linguistics, he holds a Doctorate in French Linguistics. He also holds a BA in Arabic and studied Japanese. Interested in all technical aspects of language (grammar, phonetics, translation, semantics and syntax), he progressively moved from theoretical linguistics to applications such as teaching, translating and editing text. He is currently editing texts and letters related to the French quest of the "Western Sea" by explorer La Vérendrye (1830-1850).

Read Emmanuel Hérique's to learn more.



  • Linguistic readings of literary texts
  • Stylistics: French, English and comparative
  • Pragmatics
  • Interjections
  • Irregularities in language
  • tel.tics and phonology

Research projects


Selected publications

Étude de l'interjection "Tiens!": contribution à l'étude du phénomène interjectif. Max Niemeyer (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie). Forthcoming.

"A Case Study of the Emergence and Evolution of an Interjection in the French Language", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists Berlin August 1987, Akademie-Verlag.

"Les mots de l'oubli: les interjections." Actualité scientifique: La mémoire des mots. Montréal; Tunis: Serviced, 1998. Proceedings of the Vème Journées Scientifiques" of 25-27 september 1997, pp.627-635.

"L'evaluation des professeurs de langue à l'université de Victoria (Canada)." Les langues modernes 3, 1998 (August, September, October). Paris: Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes, pp. 66-75.

Courses taught

  • FRAN 120 : Intensive French II
  • FRAN 150 : Elementary Oral French
  • FRAN 160 : Words in Context
  • FRAN 350 : Advanced Oral French
  • FRAN 375 : Written in French II
  • FRAN 380 : French Morphology
  • FRAN 402 : An Advanced Language Course in Modern French Usage
  • FRAN 406 : Translation Studies
  • FRAN 503 : Studies in French Linguistics