
Dr. Kathy Teghtsoonian

Dr. Kathy Teghtsoonian
Professor Emerita
Human and Social Development


Area of expertise

Connections between policy and practice in the human services; critical approaches to policy analysis; critical perspectives on mental illness/health; women's policy agencies and gender mainstreaming initiatives within government

Trained as a political scientist, Kathy Teghtsoonian teaches courses on the connections between policy and practice in the human services, critical approaches to policy analysis, and critical perspectives on mental illness/health.

Her scholarly agenda flows from an engagement with feminist and other critical literatures; it reflects her interest in the multiple ways in which neoliberalism and advanced liberal technologies of rule have shaped public and organizational policies in Canada and elsewhere. She has undertaken research on women's policy agencies and gender mainstreaming initiatives within government, focusing on developments in British Columbia and in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

In earlier research, she analyzed child care policy debates in Canada and the United States with particular attention to the discursive construction of women, families and women's caregiving work. Most recently, her research has involved a critical analysis of initiatives aimed at addressing depression in the workplace and as a public health issue.