
JBI Publications List


Kassam, S., Butcher, D., Marcellus, L. (2022) Experiences of nurses caring for involuntary migrant maternal women: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis:20(11):p 2609-2655,

Campbell, K.A., Ford-Gilboe, M., Stanley, M., MacKinnon, K (2022). Intimate partner violence and women living with episodic disabilities: a scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 11(97).

Shapkin, K., MacKinnon, K., Sangster-Gormley, E. Newton, L., Holroyd-Leduc, J (2022), Experiences and perceptions of health care professionals making treatment decisions for older adults with memory loss: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis 20(11):p 2799-2805,

Huel, C., Harding, J., MacKinnon K., Gordon, C., & MacDonald, S. (2022). Parental experiences of caring for their preschool children after declining vaccines: a qualitative systematic review protocol, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(0), 1-8

O’Mahony, J., Kassam, S., Marcellus, L. (2022). Facilitators and barriers to accessing mental health care services and social supports among perinatal refugee women: a qualitative systematic review protocol, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(2), 674-680


Dordunoo, D., Anaman-Torgbor, J., Smith, C., Shaik, A., Hass, M., Gordon, C., An, M., Aviles-G, M., & Weinzier, M. (2021). Hypersensitivity in patients receiving metal implants: a scoping review protocol JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(6), 1404-1411.

Harding, J., MacKinnon, K., Sangster-Gormley, E., & Gordon, C. (2021). Indigenous peoples’ positive experiences of culturally safe health care: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(9), 2434-2440.

Huynh, N. (2021). Exploring the use of simulation to develop leadership skills in undergraduate nursing students: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19 (11), 3080-3087

Marcellus, L., Jantzen, D., Humble, R., Sawchuck, D. & Gordon, C. (2021). Characteristics and processes of the dedicated education unit practice education model for undergraduate nursing students: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19 (11), 2993-3039.

Marcellus, L., MacKinnon, K., Gordon, C. & Shaw, L. (2021). Interventions and programs that support the health and development of infants with prenatal substance exposure in foster care: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19 (8), 1844-1886.

Wallace, B., MacKinnon, K., Marcellus, & L., Pauly, B. (2021). International Overdose Awareness Day: a time to remember, a time to act, a time for evidence, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(8), 1758-1759

Wallace, B., MacKinnon, K., Strosher, H., Macevicius, C., Gordon, C., Raworth, R., Mesley, L., Shahram, S., Marcellus, L., Urbanoski, K., & Pauly, B. (2021). Equity-oriented frameworks to inform responses to opioid overdoses: a scoping review, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(8), 1760-1843


Kassam, S., Marcellus, L., & Butcher, D. (2020). Experiences of nurses caring for maternal immigrant and refugee women: a qualitative systematic review protocol, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(11), 2416-2424


MacKinnon, K. Pauly, B., Shahram, S., Wallace, B., Urbanoski, K., Gordon, C., Raworth, R., MacDonald, M., Marcellus, L., Sawchuck, D. Pagan, F., Strosher, H., Inglis, D., Macevicius, & C., Strayed, N. (2019). Health equity-oriented approaches to inform responses to opioid overdoses: a scoping review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 17 (5), 640-653.

Marcellus, L., Jantzen, D., Sawchuck, D., Gordon, C. & Humble, R. (2019). Characteristics of the collaborative learning unit practice education model for undergraduate nursing students: a scoping review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 17(6), 1051-1059.


Butcher, D., MacKinnon, K., Bruce, A., Gordon, C. & Koning, C. (2017). Experiences of pre-licensure or pre-registration health professional students and their educators in working with intra-professional teams: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 15(4), 1011-1056.

MacKinnon, K., Marcellus, L., Rivers, J., Gordon, C., Ryan, M. & Butcher, D. (2017). Student and educator experiences of maternal-child simulation-based learning: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 15(11), 2666-2706.

Marcellus, L., Shaw, L., MacKinnon, K. & Gordon, C. (2017). Interventions and programs that support the health and development of infants with prenatal alcohol and/or drug exposure in foster care: a scoping review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 15(12), 2848-2855.


MacKinnon, K., Marcellus, L., Rivers, J., Gordon, C., Ryan, M., & Butcher, D. (2015). Student and educator experiences of maternal-child simulation-based learning: a systematic review of qualitative evidence protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(1), 14-26.