
Funding for graduate students

The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) offers various funding options for graduate students, including scholarships, awards, fellowships, and bursaries. 

Awards & Scholarships

Many of the awards administered by FGS are listed on the  and do not require an application. For those that need department nomination, our graduate advising team sends out a call for applications when the award competition opens each year. This is usually in July. 

The Dorothy Kergin Endowment Fund

The Dorothy Kergin Endowment fund is a unique funding opportunity administered by the School of Nursing. Graduate students and faculty may apply for monies in an annuity in memory of Dorothy Kergin, a former ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, School of Nursing Director and nationally distinguished nurse researcher, educator and consultant. 

External Funding

The School of Nursing graduate advising team has created the list below of external funding opportunities that may be particularly relevant to graduate nursing students. 

Contact Us

Navigating the various funding options and where to get your funding questions answered can be a little daunting. Our advising team can help refer you to the right place. Contact us at .

Banting Post-Doctoral Fellowships

$70,000 per year (taxable) for two years

The will be distinguished from existing postdoctoral fellowships programs by its emphasis on: the synergy between an applicant (their individual merit and potential to launch a successful research-intensive career); and the host institution (its commitment to the research program and environment with which the applicant is to be affiliated). An applicant to the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program must complete their application in full collaboration with the proposed host institution.

BC History of Nursing Society Bursaries

Awarded twice annually, March and November Deadline Please visit the website for more information.

BC nurses who are members of the (including student members) and who are pursuing studies in historical aspects of nursing are eligible for financial assistance from the Society.

The purpose of the scholarship funding is to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to undertake a project or study to add to the rich heritage of nursing history.

BC Nurses Union Bursaries

The  offers bursaries and other funding opportunities for nursing students.

Canadian Diabetes Association

The offers support for research projects designed to enhance our knowledge of the prevention, etiology, management, and cure of diabetes and related complications. As well as population health, health services, diabetes education, community and practice-based research.

Canadian Nurses Foundation Scholarships

Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students by .

Centre for Studies in Religion and Society Graduate Student Fellowships

The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS) offers one-year fellowship appointments for projects that meet its mandate of promoting the interdisciplinary study of religion in relation to any and all aspects of society and culture, both contemporary and historical.


IODE War Memorial Doctoral Scholarship

Applicants to the are judged on academic excellence and potential. Candidates must be Canadian citizens and in at least their second year of doctoral program at a Canadian or Commonwealth university. 

Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation of Canada Scholarships

Applicants to the must be a female Canadian citizen currently enrolled in and pursuing and PhD program. Amount: $2500

Kidney Foundation of Canada Fellowships and Awards

offers funding opportunities at the masters's and doctoral level to encourage research that advances current knowledge pertaining to the kidney, diseases of the kidney, organ donation and transplantation.

CMHA BC Division Lorne Fraser Scholarships and Bursaries

offers eduational scholarships and bursaries to BC post-secondary students who live with mental illness or addiction to help further their pursuit of post-secondary education.

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Trainee Award

support highly qualified master's, PhD and post-doctoral trainees to prepare for careers as independent health researchers. While "training on the job," these exceptional students significantly increase the productivity of the research programs with which they are affiliated.

By funding their training, BC is better positioned to retain them as future leaders in health research. All awards consist of an annual stipend and a research and travel allowance.

P.E.O. Scholar Awards for Women

$15,000 awards

provides educational awards of or women who are U.S. or Canadian citizens and are pursuing a doctoral degree at an accredited university or college.

Registered Nurses Foundation of British Columbia - Bursaries

raises money for bursaries for students who are enrolled in basic, post-basic, re-entry, specialty and graduate education programs in nursing.

Each year RNFBC awards a significant amount to BC residents studying nursing at colleges and universities in BC and at out-of-province institutions.

Soroptimist Foundation of Canada Grants for Female Graduate Students

annually offers several grants to female graduate students in Canada to assist them with university studies which will qualify them for careers which will improve the quality of women's lives.

Trudeau Foundation - Doctoral Scholarships - General Trudeau Fellowship

 offers general funding for outstanding doctoral students in this mulit-year leadership program.