
UVic research centres

Leadbeater, Artz and Verwoord
Dr. Bonnie Leadbeater (psychology, Centre for Youth and Society) and Dr. Sibylle Artz (child and youth care) were presented with two ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Community Leadership Awards. They're pictured here with undergraduate student Roselynn Verwoord, who won the Vancity Youth Leadership Award.

Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research - Directed Studies

The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research is a provincial research network hosted and led by the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø in collaboration with Simon Fraser University, Thompson Rivers University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Northern British Columbia.

The centre maintains various agreements with other collaborating centres and researchers both locally and internationally. While maintaining an arms-length relationship with government, the centre works closely with multiple government departments, including health, child and family services, justice, education, public safety and liquor licensing to ensure the best available evidence is considered in policy-making processes.

The centre also collaborates with service providers and other stakeholders to support effective system planning and service delivery. Dr. Gordon Barnes and Dr. Doug Magnuson are researchers associated with this centre.

Centre for Youth and Society

Many of our faculty members are active participants in the . This interdisciplinary research centre links researchers from several academic areas with community representatives, service agencies, all levels of government, youth, and media. Partners have extensive experience in basic research, community action research, and direct service to youth.

Indigenous Child Well-being Research Network (ICWRN)

The Siem Smun'eem:  is a research network based in the Faculty of Human and Social Development at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. SCYC faculty members Shanne McCaffrey (steering committee) and Sandrina Carere (research adviser and executive committee) are active members of the network.

The ICWRN is a provincial association of researchers, service providers, community members and policy makers with an interest in using Indigenous research in the transformation of child and family services.

Rooted in a vision for healing and the inclusion of diverse voices, network initiatives seek to reclaim Indigenous ways of knowing and doing and reposition them at the core of child and family wellness initiatives. The network provides a space for critical dialogue about Indigenous research, as well as opportunities for research-related training, knowledge transmission and resource sharing.