
Alumni and donors

Alysha Brown (l) is an Indigenous scholar, social worker, and recipient of the Anna Allen Scholarship. Anna Allen (r) is a retired Social Worker who dedicated her career to child protection services in BC. Alysha and Anna are good friends.

Read how students excelled thanks to donor support 

HSD Students Testimonials

Giving is good

Your donation can encourage our students and researchers to achieve amazing things and solve the big questions. Here are some suggestions for giving, which can cost less than you think:

  • alumni are always welcome to speak and share career experiences with students in an undergraduate class.
  • contact me if you're looking to hire a co-op student or a new graduate.
  • contact me about volunteering to help faculty in creating student awards, research grants, and project funds.
  • perhaps you want to start an endowment fund that can evolve into a legacy gift.
  • there are many ways you can help UVic students today and beyond.

Donations to the 番茄社区 can take many forms: cash gifts, donations-in-kind, planned giving through one's will or estate, and the generosity of your own time and shared experiences.


Tricia Roche
Development Officer
