
Financial assistance

Graduate fellowships

Five graduate fellowships for students will be awarded to incoming masters students and paid out incrementally over the first year. 

Graduate teaching assistantships

You are eligible to apply in your second year for a graduate teaching assistantship as part of your training and mentorship in the teaching of creative writing. There are also a number of graduate scholarships available specifically for writing students, along with others in the university.

Arts council scholarships

You may be eligible for a   in each year of their studies if you have been a resident of BC for a year. Other provincial arts councils have similar scholarships available for their residents who study outside of their borders. 

Canada graduate scholarships

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you are eligible and encouraged to apply for   through the and for research assistantships paid for by grants received by faculty members for their projects.

·¬ÇÑÉçÇø graduate donor awards

The Faculty of Graduate Studies administers funds on behalf of donors who have established graduate scholarships, fellowships, awards and prizes of varying values. Some require an application, and some require no application. Check out the UVic awards and fellowships.